JaneySprings / DotNet.Meteor

A VSCode extension that can run and debug .NET apps (MAUI, Avalonia, Xamarin.Native)
MIT License
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Exclude exception breakpoints by type #137

Open breyed opened 3 weeks ago

breyed commented 3 weeks ago

The C# Dev Kit debugger allows excluding exceptions from a breakpoint by prefixing with "!". For example, to break on all exceptions except System.ObjectDisposedException, you set this in the VS Code Breakpoints pane:

All Exceptions: !System.ObjectDisposedException

It would be helpful for Meteor to have the same feature.

JaneySprings commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, @breyed ! Yeah, it's a good idea, but Mono Debugger doesn't have the same API as vsdbg (C# devkit). For now, you can specify only exception names to break on: https://github.com/JaneySprings/DotNet.Meteor/blob/b1fda97226053206154f542322b750ab7bce37ac/src/DotNet.Meteor.Debug/DebugSession.cs#L156-L157

I will try to create this feature, but not soon.