JangoBritt / ACS6

AthosCraft Season 6
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Nicothekid Lantern Texture Error #36

Closed tonystar73 closed 1 week ago

tonystar73 commented 1 week ago

Minecraft flagged this error when loading into the season 6 world:

[Texture][warning]-The block named nicothekid:cracked_polished_blackstone_bricks_soul_lantern used in a "blocks.json" file does not exist in the registry

tonystar73 commented 1 week ago

I've tried looking into this.. but it makes no sense. As far as I can see, the file cracked_polished_blackstone_bricks_soul_lantern does exist within all the files needed, including the texture... so I'm very confused.

tonystar73 commented 1 week ago

Okay... the situation is just getting worse the more I try things.

So, I tried just only loading the lamps pack in a fresh world, and suddenly almost all the lanterns are broken.

So then I tried downloading a fresh pack from nicothekid, and ALL of the textures from the fresh pack show up like this... Minecraft 19_06_2024 03_48_09

And this was from downloading the server pack, which contains both BP and RP folders.

tonystar73 commented 1 week ago

If this can't be resolved fairly quickly... I might suggest we go back to using the 1.8.0 pack, which does still work.

JangoBritt commented 1 week ago

You wont' believe this....

this issue is because the filename is too long. Windows has a maximum file path length of 256 characters.


works fine for me. but maybe your username is longer?

It works fine on the server, because it doesn't have that long folder root. (and linux doesn't have the same limitation)

really, the filenames should be shrunk... but we could easily reduce the pack folder name from LampsPack to Lamps, or just LP, without any changing of files.

Bug Report filed. https://discord.com/channels/1077356164012048424/1252870248063827968

tonystar73 commented 1 week ago

Seriously? That's the issue? Wow...

Well, I might suggest we try shortening the files, as I can only imagine I won't be the only one with this problem when playing on the server.

JangoBritt commented 1 week ago