JangoBritt / ACS6

AthosCraft Season 6
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Wandering Athos Trader Trade Error #37

Closed tonystar73 closed 1 week ago

tonystar73 commented 1 week ago

Minecraft flagged this error when loading into the season 6 world:

[Json][error]-In trade file: trading/economy_trades/wandering_cave_trades.json | "item" not found

[Entity][error]-In trade file: trading/economy_trades/wandering_cave_trades.json | Trade [
      "biomes" : null,
      "choice" : null,
      "functions" : null,
      "item" : "nicothekid:cracked_polished_blackstone_bricks_soul_lantern",
      "quantity" : 1
 doesn't have any recieves, at least one is required
tonystar73 commented 1 week ago

I think this will likely be fixed once issue #36 is resolved, as the lantern entity just straight up does not exist for some reason.