JangoBritt / ACS6

AthosCraft Season 6
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Demise: function: Demise_tagged not working #45

Closed JangoBritt closed 1 week ago

JangoBritt commented 1 week ago

I switched on the command block for Demise, and it ran successfully, but didn't give me the DJT tag.

This urgently needs testing!

I think it's because you're using @s instead of @a ?

execute as @s[name="JangoBritt",tag=!DJT] run tag @s add DJT

Wouldn't that execute as the command block, and not as the player?

JangoBritt commented 1 week ago


tonystar73 commented 1 week ago

How did you fix this?

JangoBritt commented 1 week ago

I changed the execute as @s into execute as @a on the functions files

tonystar73 commented 1 week ago

Can we change that back please? The @a would run for everyone, when the funciton should only run on the individual that it's checking for.

JangoBritt commented 1 week ago

no... execute as @a[name="TonyStar73"]

tonystar73 commented 1 week ago

If you want, have the commmand block run a execute as @a ... before the function use.