Janis1992-08 / Capstone-Project-ServiceCircle

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Delete Service Cards #13

Open Alexander-Iantbelidze opened 11 months ago

Alexander-Iantbelidze commented 11 months ago

Value proposition

As a User I want to delete service cards In order to i can delete service cards if i will not offer that service card anymore



Acceptance criteria


JulianKle commented 11 months ago

I'm a bit confused, when did you add the database functionality? Otherwise, it would have to be added in the front end that a DELETE request is started. You would also have to make sure that you pass the id of the object to be deleted (ServiceCard) to the request/method.

Alexander-Iantbelidze commented 11 months ago

i answered in slack, thanks!

mbosselmann commented 11 months ago

Hi Team ServiceCircle, I think you just changed the user story again after I read the old version (edit: yes you did as you told me). 😅 Just one remark for your acceptance criteria:

This is somehow a mix between the user perspective and an implementation detail that is not relevant for the user. You could be more descriptive here and explain the user flow by answering the following questions:

I hope this does help. :)

Alexander-Iantbelidze commented 11 months ago

Hello Mareike, thank you for your input. I have taken your feedback into account and made some improvements to the sentence to align more with the acceptance criteria..hope now it is fine?

mbosselmann commented 11 months ago

Hi Alexander, just one last thing for the last sentence of the acceptance criterion. I would remove the part with the database (implementation detail that is not interesting for the user) and write: "After deleting the card it will not be shown in the UI anymore." If you do this last change then its fine! 👍 So I approve this user story now as I trust you in changing this too. ✅

Alexander-Iantbelidze commented 11 months ago

thanks, did it!