JankariTech / blog

Blogposts from JankariTech
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Enhance Blog SEO #104

Open kiranparajuli589 opened 1 year ago

kiranparajuli589 commented 1 year ago

During the project initialization phase, the team was initially unaware of the SEO aspect pertaining to the blog. It is important to note that a comprehensive SEO strategy encompasses not only the visibility of the blog in search engine results but also its appearance when shared on social media platforms. Currently, the blog fails to appear in search results when users search for relevant content on platforms like Google (or any other search engines), as it lacks proper meta attributes associated with each blog page.

One viable solution to address this issue is to consider utilizing https://vitepress.dev/, a tool that has been adopted by the official documentation website of VueJS. This technology demonstrates its effectiveness and compatibility with the blog's requirements.

koebel commented 1 year ago

Yes, good point, proper meta attributes are important!

There are many factors that influence search engine ranking. Among others using the right keywords and integrate them well into the whole blog (title, content, image captions and alt tags as well as meta data is crucial. https://trends.google.com/trends/explore is a website that can be useful for checking the popularity of keywords in search queries over time and exploring alternative key words. Backlinking done properly should also improve the ranking. And additionally I heard that mobile friendly websites/blogs get higher ranking. This website can be used to check how mobile friendly a page is: https://search.google.com/test/mobile-friendly

koebel commented 2 weeks ago

let's do some research first and come up with specific suggestions for enhancement

koebel commented 2 weeks ago

one specific point for improvement is https://github.com/JankariTech/blog/issues/17