Jannchie / codetime-web-v3

Front-end page of codetime, third version.
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[Feature Request] Multi folder support #2

Closed zhuozhiyongde closed 4 months ago

zhuozhiyongde commented 5 months ago

Currently, I can only select one folder element to view the time and language information. However, I have worked on a project that has multiple levels of folders, such as:

├── 01-Data-Lab
├── 02-Bomb-Lab
├── 03-Attack-Lab
├── 04-Arch-Lab
├── 05-Cache-Lab
├── 06-Tsh-Lab
├── 07-Malloc-Lab
├── 08-Proxy-Lab
├── README.md
├── Treehole
├── tempCodeRunnerFile.py
├── 回课
├── 期中考试复习细节.md
├── 期末考试复习细节.md
└── 期末往年题勘误、详解.md

All of the lab folders have been my work folders. Additionally, I have spent a significant amount of time working in the Introduction-To-Computer-System-2023Fall-PKU/ folder. Therefore, it would be helpful if CodeTime could support selecting multiple folders and summarizing all of their data.

I think this feature may need to write a new page like "Analysis". Thanks for you patient to considering this suggestion.

Jannchie commented 5 months ago

We are mindful of this need. In the coming months, we will create a detail page for each workspace. This will include the programming time of individual folders and even files.

Jannchie commented 4 months ago


Hi, we have created a basic workspace page. with the flame graph, you can view the coding time of each folder, each file.

We will add more data and charts in the future.

zhuozhiyongde commented 4 months ago

@Jannchie 似乎现有检索是大小写敏感的,能改成不敏感的吗

Jannchie commented 4 months ago


emm,我稍微改了下 filter,现在应该没问题了。