JannikBirn / palworld-host-save-fix

A variation of the Palworld Host Save Fix from xNul with additional bug fixes. This script can be used in a similar way to convert co-op games to dedicated server and vice versa.
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Used tool and now all players start from character creation screen #11

Open Kaaaaarrrll opened 5 months ago

Kaaaaarrrll commented 5 months ago

I used this GUI tool and my lvl 41 character got removed and the lvl 0 character stayed. And my other friends in the server now start from character creation screen, making a new character. It's weird though because when you spawn, everywhere you've been on the map with your "previous" character is cleared out, as if this new character had been to all those places. Also no new player is added to the players folder. And if I run this GUI tool again, yeah my lvl 41 character is gone, only the lvl 0, and people who log in again have their old lvl 30+ and the new lvl 0. Please tell me there's a way to resolve/fix/mend this? I'm an idiot and my backups were ruined

JannikBirn commented 5 months ago

I used this GUI tool and my lvl 41 character got removed and the lvl 0 character stayed.

That sounds really weird, maybe you can provide me your save folder, so I can check why that happened.

Please tell me there's a way to resolve/fix/mend this? I'm an idiot and my backups were ruined

You can try to replace the Level.sav and the Player .sav files with one out of the "Backup" folder that should be in the same place as the Level.sav. It might be a bit older than your current progress. Otherwise, restoring the previous state of your save is not possible.

Kaaaaarrrll commented 5 months ago

For sure, is there a way I can contact you? github doesn't have DMs.

For context - the corrupted file was an already converted file with the inability to pickup pals issue, and I must have misunderstood that this was a tool to fix that. We did put many hours of work into that save so it was hard to let go of, but I just re-set-up the server again with the original save, and your tool worked great for that save, and we are able to pick up pals on the server.

We're okay with going back in time a little bit, not perfect but at least we can pick up pals this time. However, really appreciate any help you can provide with that newer, corrupted save, and if bringing it back to life is possible at all I would be so indebted to you!

JannikBirn commented 5 months ago

So if you still have the old save file (the whole folder) this might work for you: Make a backup before you do this So in my save folder is a folder called “backup”: image

In that folder are two folders called "local" and "world". Open the newest folder in the "world" folder and copy everything inside the save folder, replacing the Level.sav and Players folder. I think this is the only thing that might save your old save.

Kaaaaarrrll commented 5 months ago

Those backups only have the pre-server saves when looking at the folder dates. But I have both the pre-server and post-server saves zipped up if I can possibly send them to you to poke at? Honestly no worries if you'd rather not hahah

JannikBirn commented 5 months ago

Those backups only have the pre-server saves when looking at the folder dates.

Ah so you already player a bunch on the server, and you don't wont to lose that progress?

post-server also means post applying xNul's script and mine?

You can upload your saves somewhere and send me a link here, and I might take a look at it, but can't promise that I'll be able to fix it.

Kaaaaarrrll commented 5 months ago

Exactly yeah, I followed a YT tutorial that linked to xNul's which was not yet taken down off github

Here's the zip - [got the email that you got the file so removing link here] The saves have already been converted to JSON so they're in there as well cause I thought I might be able to figure something out but I couldn't hahah

JannikBirn commented 5 months ago

What is your current Nickname, is it KAAAAARRRLL or KAAAAARRRLL2.0 on the server, and can i remove the other "Karl" ?

Kaaaaarrrll commented 5 months ago

2.0 was when it made me make a new new Character. The other one is from when I used your tool, put the higher level one in the first slot, the lvl 0 in the second slot, and it resulted in the higher deleted and the 0 remaining. (aka 2.0 should not exist) I'm curious to hear if either have any guild/pal/levelling data? Is everything just gone?

JannikBirn commented 5 months ago

Both have no level. Both are owning Pals. Only KAAAAARRRLL has a guild. So just to be sure, it would be fine if I delete both "Karl's" of the new save and try to add the Karl from the old save?

Kaaaaarrrll commented 5 months ago

Oh how weird! Yes, KARL from old put into new is definitely fine!

Sorry to keep poking questions, just really curious how it's going to work - is all the progress made in (new) going to be there, but my character will just be lower level? Also curious if you might know now why the others were sent to character creation when logging into (new)? Anything that happens is obviously fine seeing as we're starting again from the (old) save now anyway - really appreciate the help!

JannikBirn commented 5 months ago

Sorry to keep poking questions, just really curious how it's going to work - is all the progress made in (new) going to be there, but my character will just be lower level?

Honestly no idea right now, It's pretty complex to migrate the data from one file to another because a lot of properties depend on another.

Also curious if you might know now why the others were sent to character creation when logging into (new)?

This could be because the Level.sav file is significantly damaged, so even the other players can't be restored. But doesn't need to be the case, for me, i had to run my script for every player on the server, since everyone got a new guid.

Anything that happens is obviously fine seeing as we're starting again from the (old) save now anyway - really appreciate the help!

I don't know how much progress is lost, but honestly redoing what you did might be faster than me trying to merge the two saves together. As a tip you could change the server settings inside the Pal/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/PalWorldSettings.ini. so you could set the rate at which you gain XP higher (for player and Pals) and decrease the egg hatch time.

Kaaaaarrrll commented 5 months ago

But doesn't need to be the case, for me, i had to run my script for every player on the server, since everyone got a new guid.

I tried running it again but the same thing happened for the other players where they're higher level character got removed and the lvl 0 stayed. So, really weird glitch that occurs when you do what I did I guess!

I don't know how much progress is lost, but honestly redoing what you did might be faster than me trying to merge the two saves together.

Ah yeah, fair enough. Definitely don't want to ask that much of you. Sorry for derailing you today and putting you on this! Really appreciate you digging into it, but it's absolutely my fuck up - your tool worked great for me re-doing the server today, so thanks so much for making it. Let me know if you have a place to send tips (you should add it to the palworld-host-save-fix page)