JannikBirn / palworld-host-save-fix

A variation of the Palworld Host Save Fix from xNul with additional bug fixes. This script can be used in a similar way to convert co-op games to dedicated server and vice versa.
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Cant See players on the map #13

Open teehehe opened 5 months ago

teehehe commented 5 months ago

I cant see players on the map however all other members can. When i run the tool on the save file there are numerous copies of the players.



no matter what direction im facing it shows a static value for the base distance as well


JannikBirn commented 5 months ago

I haven't heard of this issue before, are you able to provide me with your save file, so I can take a look at it?

teehehe commented 5 months ago

Level.zip wouldnt let me attach it so had to zip it

JannikBirn commented 5 months ago

So what's interesting is that all these characters do exist in the save file, and it is not a mistake by the script. Why and how Palworld created these characters I can't know. It might be possible to keep migrating multiple Characters into one (also, i've never tried that). So you can select Jayy (Lvl. 24) and then a Jayy (Lvl. 0) run the script and do it again after it closed. Because this is highly experimental, you should definitely make a backup (a copy of your whole Save folder, not just the Level.sav)

teehehe commented 5 months ago

is it possible to just remove the lv0s?

teehehe commented 5 months ago

i sort of tried this but got to same name and got error messages. I merged the teehehe lv24 to the lv0 one image


JannikBirn commented 5 months ago

i sort of tried this but got to same name and got error messages. I merged the teehehe lv24 to the lv0 one

You should always select the lvl 24 character in the first field and then the lvl 0 in the second one.

teehehe commented 5 months ago

I did that, then when i ran the program again it did not have the lvl 24 in the list anymore Teehehe lv24 teehehe lv0

the lv24 was no longer an option

after that i ran the program again and this is what it shows image

teehehe commented 5 months ago

so i took my backed up files and ran the same procedure again

teehehe lv28 to teehehe lv0

as it finishes it i see a brief error before it closes so looks like its failing and thats why it loses the lv28 one maybe?

I am trying to get the error but it only lasts a second


I am guessing this is due to them having the exact same guid

HaxForan commented 5 months ago

Same issue @teehehe ... Yes it's maybe the exact same guid name? Please help us to fix that :(

teehehe commented 5 months ago

what i did is i went in manually and deleted them out.... and mine now looks like this(note i only did my name havent touched others yet)


not sure i would recommend someone trying it but i used https://github.com/cheahjs/palworld-save-tools convereted it to json then i searched my name teehehe found all instances it was like 4 then 4 as playername i deleted all the playername sets out that were level 0 and then the ones that weren't player name i looked at the sets not in guilds and deleted those sets out. since i knew the correct guild name my real character was in.

when i say set i mean its a big long portion that has to be erased maybe someone can explain it better or someone can make a tool to remove "characters" i am not sure

HaxForan commented 5 months ago

No I just have the same error but I don't have many players... Just the old and new one... But keep error and no way to transfer charachter? But it was working 3 days ago

JannikBirn commented 5 months ago

@teehehe nice on catching that error, I know the windows closes quickly when an error occurs. It shouldn't close automatically if the script works without an error. Are you using the newest reales version https://github.com/JannikBirn/palworld-host-save-fix/releases/tag/v.0.1.2 ? That version contains a potential fix for a similar issue that could also fix this problem.

teehehe commented 5 months ago

yes that was the version I was trying

HaxForan commented 5 months ago

@teehehe nice on catching that error, I know the windows closes quickly when an error occurs. It shouldn't close automatically if the script works without an error. Are you using the newest reales version https://github.com/JannikBirn/palworld-host-save-fix/releases/tag/v.0.1.2 ? That version contains a potential fix for a similar issue that could also fix this problem.

I’ve done normally thing like 3 days ago but this time it gives me the same error.

However, I have my new character and the old one, but I think the problem comes from the fact that the two characters have the same file name. therefore, Windows renames the file with (1)... is this why I have an error?

Thanks in advance for ur time!

JannikBirn commented 5 months ago

However, I have my new character and the old one, but I think the problem comes from the fact that the two characters have the same file name. therefore, Windows renames the file with (1)... is this why I have an error?

That sounds weird, does the copy of the file (with the "(1)") is created by my script or when you run the server/game ?

teehehe commented 5 months ago

with my issue it the file would just be gone also to note after clicking migrate i would have to type in the console Y to continue

I believe my issue is fixed but just wanted to give some more detail about what was happening