JannikBirn / palworld-host-save-fix

A variation of the Palworld Host Save Fix from xNul with additional bug fixes. This script can be used in a similar way to convert co-op games to dedicated server and vice versa.
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I just dont know what im doing zzzz #14

Closed Lon3wolfz closed 5 months ago

Lon3wolfz commented 5 months ago

Only the new level 0 character is shown and not the old one, I don't see the house, etc. but my friend was able to see their explored map. This happened to be yesterday after the 1.4 update so idk if it has to do with that but when i tried to use it under a backup file from yesterday, the fix-it application just crash. I just don't understand what I'm doing please help.

JannikBirn commented 5 months ago

It might be related to the 1.4 update, but I don't know for sure. Can you upload your save folder somewhere and send me a link, so I can take a look at it?

Lon3wolfz commented 5 months ago


Lon3wolfz commented 5 months ago

Does the application only works when u change server? cus rn I'm using window server.

JannikBirn commented 5 months ago

In your uploaded save file, I actually can't see any players created inside the Level.sav. Are you sure you uploaded the right save?

Does the application only works when u change server? cus rn I'm using window server.

So personally, I used it to migrate a Steam Coop Save to a Dedicated Windows Server. But I heard that it also worked for Linux to Windows Server. So making a backup and just trying if it works is the best thing to do.

Lon3wolfz commented 5 months ago


Lon3wolfz commented 5 months ago

is it this? idk why its .json tho

JannikBirn commented 5 months ago

Nope, this one also doesn't contain a player. You can search inside the JSON converted Level.sav for IsPlayer and can find out how many players exist inside that file.

Lon3wolfz commented 5 months ago

There should be 9 players, idk why it's not working image On here you can see the player and everything but when i try searching the file on github it is not there

Lon3wolfz commented 5 months ago

image Ya like its not there when searching the file on github

Lon3wolfz commented 5 months ago


Lon3wolfz commented 5 months ago

Can you check if this work? If not then i really dont know. zzzz

JannikBirn commented 5 months ago

Nope, this doesn't look correct either. The Player folder seems to be correct, but your Level.sav looks like a new save without any Players registered in it. Maybe the server overwritten it before you made the backup?

Lon3wolfz commented 5 months ago

oof, thank you tho