JannikBirn / palworld-host-save-fix

A variation of the Palworld Host Save Fix from xNul with additional bug fixes. This script can be used in a similar way to convert co-op games to dedicated server and vice versa.
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Feature Request: Multiple characters in one go #20

Open knz87 opened 5 months ago

knz87 commented 5 months ago

Great tool, thank you so much for this!

Would be great if the GUI did not auto-close after migrating one character, but instead let you start a batch of multiple migrations in one go. That way you could simply set it to work and come back after some time.

For example: now if you have 10 chars that you would like to migreate, you would need to come back to your computer and re-start the app 10x times and repeat for each char.

knz87 commented 5 months ago

Maybe a auto-migration feature? If it detect two players with the exact same name. You then have the option to auto-migrate from the player with the highest level to the player with identical name that has a lower level.

JannikBirn commented 5 months ago

I do agree that this would be pretty handy and will be a lot faster. Right now there are some bugs that I have to fix first, so the tool is stable. After that, this might be one of the next steps to enhance the tool.