Closed Energyxxer closed 2 years ago
Minimal JSON to reproduce: The particle should flash between square and rectangular every half second, but it stays square.
{ "format_version": "1.10.0", "particle_effect": { "description": { "identifier": "test:operator_equals", "basic_render_parameters": { "material": "particles_alpha", "texture": "textures/blocks/wool_colored_white" } }, "components": { "minecraft:emitter_rate_steady": { "spawn_rate": 1, "max_particles": 100 }, "minecraft:emitter_lifetime_looping": { "active_time": 1 }, "minecraft:emitter_shape_point": {}, "minecraft:particle_lifetime_expression": { "max_lifetime": 1 }, "minecraft:particle_initial_speed": 0, "minecraft:particle_motion_dynamic": {}, "minecraft:particle_appearance_billboard": { "size": ["v.particle_age >= 0.5 ? 2 : 1", 0.2], "facing_camera_mode": "rotate_xyz", "uv": { "texture_width": 16, "texture_height": 16, "uv": [0, 0], "uv_size": [1, 1] } } } } }
This does not occur with other programs using MoLangJS such as Blockbench and molang-grapher
Minimal JSON to reproduce: The particle should flash between square and rectangular every half second, but it stays square.