Jannyboy11 / InvSee-plus-plus

A bukkit plugin for manipulating player inventories
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/invsee does not tabcomplete and causes players to disconnect #30

Closed Jannyboy11 closed 1 year ago

Jannyboy11 commented 1 year ago

According to Discord user Alexanderfh#1370:

Hey, is there a known issue with Invsee++ and Essentials? we recently added invsee++ to our server, and now after a restart every time we do /invsee (can't tab to complete names anymore for some reason even thought it is enabled in config) and just using the command kicks a few of our people off the server with a timeout error in the console`

we tried to disable invsee++ and then the command /invsee works just fine when used through essentials, but as soon as we enable invsee++ again it kicks people off when we use it

We're using version  Pufferfish version git-Pufferfish-24 (MC: 1.19) (Implementing API version 1.19-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) with the lastest version of Invsee++
Jannyboy11 commented 1 year ago

Possibly fixed by https://github.com/Jannyboy11/InvSee-plus-plus/commit/5a4ee70e2e9a4495d54e7a0ac6c5780e0a70aa89, still waiting on confirmation from Alexander.

Jannyboy11 commented 1 year ago

Closing this issue since Alexander does not seem to respond, and my test shows that traversing 90k+ player names takes about 0.8 seconds (that includes printing to stdout!) which should be fast enough for async tabcompletion.
