Jannyboy11 / InvSee-plus-plus

A bukkit plugin for manipulating player inventories
84 stars 12 forks source link

Disappearing placeholders #78

Closed Ompyl closed 8 months ago

Ompyl commented 10 months ago

When doing an invsee the placeholder item I click onto vanishes, when doing it a second time, all placeholder items vanish

Jannyboy11 commented 10 months ago

That is the intended behaviour. Most slots occupied by placeholders are actual slots where player items can go. The only placeholder for which this isn't true is the 'inaccessible' placeholder. I can look into whether I can make it so these won't disappear, but this might be hard since all placeholders are implemented using packets.

Ompyl commented 10 months ago


Ompyl commented 10 months ago

but other than that, this plugin is the best one out there!