An open source enterprise digital identity platform for CIAM or workforce... Janssen is a distribution of standards-based, developer friendly, components that are engineered to work together in any cloud. #OAuth #OpenID #FIDO
nynymike commented on Oct 20, 2017
This diagram uses a Venn diagram to represent the relationship between scopes associated with a ticket, scopes requested by a client, and scopes registered by a client. You could express this as: ticket scopes ∪ (requested scopes ∩ registered scopes).
We need to add a JSON property for oxAuth which specifies whether clients need to have scopes pre-registered.
nynymike commented on Oct 20, 2017 This diagram uses a Venn diagram to represent the relationship between scopes associated with a ticket, scopes requested by a client, and scopes registered by a client. You could express this as: ticket scopes ∪ (requested scopes ∩ registered scopes).
We need to add a JSON property for oxAuth which specifies whether clients need to have scopes pre-registered.