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Issues with controlling partitions when using Apache Spark to read graph data from Cassandra #2420

Open mmarovic opened 3 years ago

mmarovic commented 3 years ago


When reading Janusgraph data into Apache Spark, org.janusgraph.hadoop.formats.cql.CqlInputFormat and org.janusgraph.hadoop.formats.cql.CqlBinaryInputFormat do not properly manage partition sizes when loading data from Cassandra. This causes memory issues when the entire token range cannot fit into the Spark executor memory.

Long description


I recently implemented a few Spark jobs to better manage some growing graphs. Initial tests on a smaller environment showed that everything works ok, but when I ran the jobs in pre-production on a much larger graph, various memory issues started to appear. I tried to analyze what causes this and the results and my conclusions are as follows.

According to https://docs.janusgraph.org/advanced-topics/hadoop/, users should use org.janusgraph.hadoop.formats.cql.CqlInputFormat as the graphReader class to read data from Cassandra into Spark. This class internally uses org.apache.cassandra.hadoop.cql3.CqlInputFormat. Analyzing its code shows that Spark partitions initially correspond to Cassandra token ranges. However, we should be able to further split these up into smaller parts using one of the two parameters:

To calculate these smaller ranges, the input format uses the Cassandra system table system.size_estimates. This table contains the average partition size and the number of partitions in each token range. So for each token range the input format fetches the corresponding row from that table, calculates new splits, and uses these to further split the initial ranges. If no data is found, the input format cannot estimate anything, so it returns the original split - the entire Cassandra token range.

Issue 1 - LocalStrategy replication

The system keyspace is configured to use LocalStrategy replication, so each node only contains data about its own token ranges. When the input format queries system.size_estimates, it does so by submitting a CQL query to a Cassandra session, so the query is sent to a single node (chosen in round-robin fashion) to be executed. However, the node that receives a query about a token range might not be the one that actually owns that token range, so in that case the query returns nothing. As a result, no further splits happen for that token range.

Also, during initial setup, org.janusgraph.hadoop.formats.cql.CqlBinaryInputFormat sets only a single node address tocassandra.input.thrift.address. This node is then used to query the system.size_estimates table and each query is sent to that node. As a result, all token ranges from that node will be sub-split normally, but token ranges from other nodes won't be sub-split at all. At least, this was my experience while testing.

Issue 2 - wrapping token ranges

In a multi-node Cassandra cluster, each node has a number of token ranges equal to its num_tokens configuration parameter, which defaults to 256. Token ranges in Cassandra are treated as part of a ring containing values from -2^63 to 2^63 - 1. One token range always "wraps around" - it contains both the smallest and the largest tokens. For some reason, in system.size_estimates that token range is split up at 2^63 - 1 into two rows. For example, the token range (9086698877042261913, -9100093929734381511) is split up into (9086698877042261913, -9223372036854775808) and (-9223372036854775808, -9100093929734381511). This is also visible in the number of rows in that table - on each node the table should contain num_tokens rows, which is true for all but one node which contains an extra row.

The query used to fetch data from system.size_estimates is:

SELECT mean_partition_size, partitions_count
FROM system.size_estimates
WHERE keyspace_name = <keyspace-name> AND table_name = <table-name> AND range_start = <range-start> AND range_end = <range-end>;

Running this query for the example range (9086698877042261913, -9100093929734381511) will never return any results because no such rows exist in the table - either <range-start> or <range-end> will differ because of the additional split in the table. Therefore, the estimates for that token range will never be fetched and it will never be sub-split.

In addition, lately I've been doing some testing on ScyllaDB and it seems that this is not the case there. The number of rows in ScyllaDB system.size_estimates seems to always be equal to num_tokens and I see the correct entry for the wrapping token range on the owner node. If true, this could cause compatibility issues between the two backends, or the fix would have to "know" when to look for this additional split and when not to.

Final notes

The problems I listed here are actually caused by the original Cassandra Hadoop input format implementation, org.apache.cassandra.hadoop.cql3.CqlInputFormat. I initially checked this on their forums (https://community.datastax.com/questions/10153/how-to-control-partition-size-when-reading-data-wi.html), but the answer highly suggested to port to the spark-cassandra-connector because this is legacy code (maybe it'll never be fixed here).

I managed to fix the issues in my Spark jobs by reimplementing the Cassandra Hadoop input format and then switching the Janusgraph input formats to that. I'll provide a PR here later just in case anyone's interested. However the "right" solution should be to migrate to the spark-cassandra-connector.

mmarovic commented 3 years ago

I did some more testing and searching. It looks like the CqlInputFormat issues are going to be fixed in cassandra 4.0 (see https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-15637). Some other issues were fixed there as well, so upgrading to newer cassandra libs could also be the way to go.

From what I've seen in the code, the fixes (at least for the issues from my previous post) are similar to what my attempts were. However, I noticed that they always unwrap the wrapping token range. This might cause issues when using ScyllaDB because of the difference in its system.size_estimates data. I haven't tested this to be sure.

Since the release date for cassandra 4.0 seems to still be unknown, I made a quick-and-dirty commit that shows what worked for me as a fix, just in case anyone needs this: https://github.com/mmarovic/janusgraph/commit/8cad2d3be123aff922d3cbc10d6f2de253f6915a