JanuszNowak / janono.ado.testcase.associate.cli

Automaticity associate automated tests with test cases cli
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Test Method does not map with the test case in AzureDevOps #23

Closed nimishbhuta closed 9 months ago

nimishbhuta commented 11 months ago


I have created a small test method in Visual studio code which looks like this


I have used [TestFixture] instead of [TestClass] as it does not support [TestClass] and used [Test] rather than [TestMethod] as [TestMethod] is not supported

I have created a test case in the AzureDevops that has the test id as 185 and it cli shows success for mapping


but when I check in the AzureDevops, it is not mapped


JanuszNowak commented 11 months ago

@nimishbhuta good that now .net 7 is working, instead --action List run or after run with --action Associate. List - is scanning assembly for test to assign Associate - is doing association

nimishbhuta commented 11 months ago

@JanuszNowak. I have now used "Associate" ,it ran successfully but did not map.


skeeler commented 9 months ago

@JanuszNowak , I see a similar problem. I have 3 test cases. One I assigned automation via Visual Studio. All I assigned through this CLI tool. The only difference between the VS assigned test automation and the other two updated via this CLI is the VS assigned has NeedUpdateInsert value set to False, while the two CLI assigned ones have NeedUpdateInsert value set to True. Checked documentation and code in this repo, but it's not clear what NeedUpdateInsert is used for or how to change its setting. The two test cases assigned automation using this CLI do not show any associated automation on their work item Automation tabs, but the one done with VS does.

JanuszNowak commented 9 months ago

@skeeler @nimishbhuta

JanuszNowak commented 9 months ago

@skeeler , @nimishbhuta

found issues fixed in https://github.com/JanuszNowak/janono.ado.testcase.associate.cli/releases/tag/0.5.0