Japan-Digital-Archives / Japan-Digital-Archive

Digital Archive of Japan's 2011 Disasters
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find where in the JDA a contibuted item via a contribution page and/or Bookmarklet is pushed #1095

Open meeshmon opened 8 years ago

meeshmon commented 8 years ago

@jcuanm and @horak, We are switching the way an user's contribution of an item via the JDA is pushed to the Internet Archive. screen shot 2016-05-29 at 4 57 51 pm (↑ our new IA account)

This means that the destination where an contribution entry is pushed will be changed. I want either one of you to find out where an item is going once an user submit a contribution (a url that comes with a particular id number e.g., 2438 [Japan Disaster collection account in the IA: https://wayback.archive-it.org/2438/] or 156 [organization id of the IA account of which 2438 is a part: https://archive-it.org/organizations/156]). It is possible that an item is going to the JDA admin dashboard. I want you to track the movement of a contributed item so that we can direct the path to enable a smooth transition to a new way of curating material in the archive.

nickkapur commented 8 years ago

Contributions are stored in the database as "seeds."

They are then exported using an exporting tool, which generates a csv file that is emailed to IA.

Instructions for using the exporting tool here: https://github.com/Japan-Digital-Archives/Japan-Digital-Archive/wiki/Exporting-Seeds

Code for exporting tool here: https://github.com/Japan-Digital-Archives/Japan-Digital-Archive/tree/8520d0c61b477a6d9a3763057853811dcd449433/src/JDA/CoreBundle/Resources/views/SeedExport

jcuanm commented 8 years ago

Is this still an issue or can we close it?

jcuanm commented 8 years ago


horak commented 8 years ago

@meeshmon who does this export process currently? I wasn't even aware of this before reading this?

@jcuanm, this looks like it still needs investigating. If you try submitting sample items via both of the above links and then check the dashboard that might tell us something. If they don't arrive there then report back and we'll figure out the next place to check.

horak commented 7 years ago

@jcuanm, @meeshmon, bump.

meeshmon commented 7 years ago

@horak I think currently the export is done automatically by using the scripts (link provided by Nick above). One complication to this is that we are still using items archived in the previous account but we also need to incorporate new items being archived in the new account. It is probably best to wait for ADK's solution to this first since they are aware of this complication and is now in the process of trying to import data from the IA.

horak commented 7 years ago

Ok, sounds good just wanted an update.