As a logged-in user, I want to add new books to my collection with details (title, author, publication date, genre)
so that I can catalog the books I own or have read.
Acceptance Criteria
[x] The system allows logged-in users to access a form to input new book details.
[x] The book details must include title, author, publication date, and genre.
[x] Upon submission, the book is added to the user's collection and can be viewed in their list of books.
[x] Create an "Add New Book" form in the user interface, including fields for title, author, publication date, and genre.
[x] Ensure the form is accessible and user-friendly, with clear labels and placeholders for each field.
[x] Implement validation for the book details form fields to ensure data integrity and consistency. Develop backend functionality to save the new book details to the user's collection in the database.
[x] Ensure the newly added book appears in the user's list of books upon successful submission. Implement functionality to allow users to view their updated collection immediately after adding a new book.
As a logged-in user, I want to add new books to my collection with details (title, author, publication date, genre) so that I can catalog the books I own or have read.
Acceptance Criteria
[x] Create an "Add New Book" form in the user interface, including fields for title, author, publication date, and genre.
[x] Ensure the form is accessible and user-friendly, with clear labels and placeholders for each field.
[x] Implement validation for the book details form fields to ensure data integrity and consistency. Develop backend functionality to save the new book details to the user's collection in the database.
[x] Ensure the newly added book appears in the user's list of books upon successful submission. Implement functionality to allow users to view their updated collection immediately after adding a new book.
Belonging to: Epic - Book Management