JaqiKal / ScrollStack

My very first full stack project; HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python+Django and PostgreSQL
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BUG: Change password does not work #61

Closed JaqiKal closed 4 months ago

JaqiKal commented 4 months ago

Problem: When in a deployed environment, following the steps to reset a forgotten password works until redirected from the reset email to the "Change Password" page. After entering and confirming the new password, the password is not changed.

Encountered: During manual FT.

Can it be Reproduced: Yes it is reproducable.

Impact: End user cannot reset the password

Possible solution: Investigate the password reset flow in auth_views and ensure the custom templates are correctly configured.

Tried various code attempts as seen in commits:

JaqiKal commented 4 months ago

Current Situation:

State of the Codebase:

JaqiKal commented 4 months ago

Solved by resetting template password_reset_from_key.html to its origin. Something in my customized template did not redirect to password_reset_done.