JaredScar / PoliceEMSActivity

A simple EMS Activity Blip Fivem script that has some other features too
MIT License
18 stars 21 forks source link

Added Webhook Here Instead of nil #1

Closed dracuslayer closed 4 years ago

dracuslayer commented 4 years ago

`-- by: minipunch -- for: Initially made for USA Realism RP (https://usarrp.net) -- purpose: Provide public servants with blips for all other active emergency personnel


--[[ person = { src = 123, color = 3, name = "Taylor Weitman" } ]] -- Below is the roles allowed to use the command /blip --[[ 1 = Red 2 = Green 3 = Blue 5 = Yellow 17 = Orange Color Info obtained from: https://wiki.gtanet.work/index.php?title=Blips ]] -- CONFIG -- roleList = { ['๐Ÿ‘ฎ LSPD | '] = {581881252907319369, 2, 'webhook here'}, ['๐Ÿ‘ฎ Sheriff | '] = {577622764618383380, 17, 'webhook here'}, ['๐Ÿ‘ฎ SAHP | '] = {506276895935954944, 3, 'webhook here'}, ['๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿš’ Fire/EMS | '] = {577635624618819593, 1, 'webhook here'}, ['๐ŸŽ–๏ธ NG | '] = {609828128432586752, 5, 'webhook here'}, }

-- CODE -- hasPerms = {} permTracker = {} activeBlip = {} onDuty = {} prefix = '^9[^5Badger-Blips^9] ^3'; AddEventHandler("playerDropped", function() if onDuty[source] ~= nil then local tag = activeBlip[source]; local webHook = roleList[activeBlip[source]][3]; if webHook ~= nil then sendToDisc('Player ' .. GetPlayerName(source) .. ' is now off duty', 'Player ' .. GetPlayerName(source) .. ' has gone off duty as ' .. tag, '', webHook, 16711680) end end onDuty[source] = nil; permTracker[source] = nil; hasPerms[source] = nil; activeBlip[source] = nil; -- Remove them from Blips: TriggerEvent('eblips:remove', source) end) function sendToDisc(title, message, footer, webhookURL, color) local embed = {} embed = { { ["color"] = color, -- GREEN = 65280 --- RED = 16711680 ["title"] = "".. title .."", ["description"] = " " .. message .. " ", ["footer"] = { ["text"] = footer, }, } } -- Start -- TODO Input Webhook PerformHttpRequest(webhookURL, function(err, text, headers) end, 'POST', json.encode({username = name, embeds = embed}), { ['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' }) -- END end RegisterCommand('duty', function(source, args, rawCommand) -- The /blip command to toggle on and off the cop blip
if hasPerms[source] ~= nil then if onDuty[source] == nil then local colorr = roleList[activeBlip[source]][2]; local tag = activeBlip[source]; local webHook = roleList[activeBlip[source]][3]; if webHook ~= nil then sendToDisc('Player ' .. GetPlayerName(source) .. ' is now on duty', 'Player ' .. GetPlayerName(source) .. ' has gone on duty as ' .. tag, '', webHook, 65280) end TriggerEvent('eblips:add', {name = tag .. GetPlayerName(source), src = source, color = colorr}); sendMsg(source, 'You have toggled your emergency blip ^2ON ^3and your Blip-Tag is: ' .. tag) onDuty[source] = true; TriggerClientEvent('PoliceEMSActivity:GiveWeapons', source); else onDuty[source] = nil; local tag = activeBlip[source]; local webHook = roleList[activeBlip[source]][3]; if webHook ~= nil then sendToDisc('Player ' .. GetPlayerName(source) .. ' is now off duty', 'Player ' .. GetPlayerName(source) .. ' has gone off duty as ' .. tag, '', webHook, 16711680) end sendMsg(source, 'You have toggled your emergency blip ^1OFF') TriggerEvent('eblips:remove', source) end else -- You are not a cop, you must be a cop in our discord to use it sendMsg(source, '^1ERROR: You must be an LEO on our discord to use this...') end end) RegisterCommand('cops', function(source, args, rawCommand) -- Prints the active cops online with a /blip that is on sendMsg(source, 'The active cops on are:') for id, _ in pairs(onDuty) do TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', source, '^9[^4' .. id .. '^9] ^0' .. GetPlayerName(id)); end end) function sendMsg(src, msg) TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', src, prefix .. msg); end RegisterCommand('bliptag', function(source, args, rawCommand) -- The /blipTag command to toggle on and off the cop blip if hasPerms[source] ~= nil then if #args == 0 then -- List out which ones they have access to sendMsg(source, 'You have access to the following Blip-Tags:'); for i = 1, #permTracker[source] do -- List TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', source, '^9[^4' .. i .. '^9] ^0' .. permTracker[source][i]); end else -- Choose their bliptag local selection = args[1]; if tonumber(selection) ~= nil then local sel = tonumber(selection); local theirBlips = permTracker[source]; if sel <= #theirBlips then -- Set up their tag local tag = activeBlip[source]; local webHook = roleList[activeBlip[source]][3]; if onDuty[source] ~= nil then sendToDisc('Player ' .. GetPlayerName(source) .. ' is now off duty', 'Player ' .. GetPlayerName(source) .. ' has gone off duty as ' .. tag, '', webHook, 16711680) end activeBlip[source] = permTracker[source][sel]; sendMsg(source, 'You have set your Blip-Tag to ^1' .. permTracker[source][sel]); if onDuty[source] ~= nil then tag = activeBlip[source]; webHook = roleList[activeBlip[source]][3]; sendToDisc('Player ' .. GetPlayerName(source) .. ' is now on duty', 'Player ' .. GetPlayerName(source) .. ' has gone on duty as ' .. tag, '', webHook, 65280) local colorr = roleList[activeBlip[source]][2] TriggerEvent('eblips:remove', source) TriggerEvent('eblips:add', {name = tag .. GetPlayerName(source), src = source, color = colorr}); end else -- That is not a valid selection sendMsg(source, '^1ERROR: That is not a valid selection...') end else -- Not a number sendMsg(source, '^1ERROR: That is not a number...') end end else -- You are not a cop, you must be a cop in our discord to use this sendMsg(source, '^1ERROR: You must be an LEO on our discord to use this...') end end)

RegisterNetEvent('PoliceEMSActivity:RegisterUser') AddEventHandler('PoliceEMSActivity:RegisterUser', function() local src = source for k, v in ipairs(GetPlayerIdentifiers(src)) do if string.sub(v, 1, string.len("discord:")) == "discord:" then identifierDiscord = v end end local perms = {} if identifierDiscord then local roleIDs = exports.discord_perms:GetRoles(src) if not (roleIDs == false) then for k, v in pairs(roleList) do for j = 1, #roleIDs do if (tostring(v[1]) == tostring(roleIDs[j])) then -- They have a proper role to use it table.insert(perms, k); activeBlip[src] = k; hasPerms[src] = true; end end end -- Set up what roles they have access to: permTracker[src] = perms; else -- They don't have any perms print("[PoliceEMSActivity] " .. GetPlayerName(src) .. " has not gotten their permissions cause roleIDs == false") end else print("[PoliceEMSActivity] " .. GetPlayerName(src) .. " has not gotten their permissions cause discord was not detected...") end permTracker[src] = perms; end)

RegisterServerEvent("eblips:add") AddEventHandler("eblips:add", function(person) ACTIVE_EMERGENCY_PERSONNEL[person.src] = person for k, v in pairs(ACTIVE_EMERGENCY_PERSONNEL) do TriggerClientEvent("eblips:updateAll", k, ACTIVE_EMERGENCY_PERSONNEL) end TriggerClientEvent("eblips:toggle", person.src, true) end)

RegisterServerEvent("eblips:remove") AddEventHandler("eblips:remove", function(src) -- remove from list -- ACTIVE_EMERGENCY_PERSONNEL[src] = nil -- update client blips -- for k, v in pairs(ACTIVE_EMERGENCY_PERSONNEL) do TriggerClientEvent("eblips:remove", tonumber(k), src) end -- deactive blips when off duty -- TriggerClientEvent("eblips:toggle", src, false) end)

-- Clean up blip entry for on duty player who leaves -- AddEventHandler("playerDropped", function() if ACTIVE_EMERGENCY_PERSONNEL[source] then ACTIVE_EMERGENCY_PERSONNEL[source] = nil end end)`

JaredScar commented 4 years ago

You can pull-request this