Jarli01 / xenorchestra_installer

A simple install script for Xen Orchestra
GNU General Public License v3.0
422 stars 86 forks source link

default credentials for ssh #95

Closed jeebsion closed 3 years ago

jeebsion commented 3 years ago

I've installed xo through your bash script and managed to to into the xo dashboard with the admin@admin.net credential ... then I realized there's also ssh port running but trying the same credential won't do. What's the default login/pass for the xo-appliance vm?

Jarli01 commented 3 years ago

SSH isn't configured on the appliance, if you setup XOCE on a system you installed yourself the creds would be whatever you used when you installed your server operating system.

If you installed SSH on the appliance, the username would be XOCE, the default password configured is "xoce", but you would've been forced to change this when logging in the first time

jeebsion commented 3 years ago

I deleted the vm and I did a reinstallation with the script at your page and the vm named now changed to "XOCE" instead of the previous name "xo-appliance" .. I guess you updated the image or something? and I saw the login/pass for the terminal is xoce/xoce ... then I found in the vm-list there're 4 vm by the name "XOCE" and only 1 running .. and I cannot get to the URL despite the IP configuration I configured earlier via the script.

Sorry it's kinda mouthful .. I wonder if I did something wrong here?

Jarli01 commented 3 years ago

It sounds like you're trying to import the appliance you have to give it a few minutes in order to finish downloading, it's 1.6gb compressed. Depending how your internet performance.

If you're using the installation script, you would have a brand new Ubuntu or Debian server that you'd run the installation on.

jeebsion commented 3 years ago

hrmm .. I've waited close to 45 minutes now ... should I try removing the vm and try again?

jeebsion commented 3 years ago

oh btw .. I restarted the box and the VMs earlier by the name "XOCE" now reduced to only 3 .. and all running .. I tried shutting down the VMs using xsconsole and each of 'em stop at 8% whilst shutting down. Such peculiar behavior really ...

Jarli01 commented 3 years ago

How are you seeing these vm's? Please answer the template so I can better understand how you're setup.

Jarli01 commented 3 years ago

If any of these vm's saying "importing" in their name, it means the import never completed.

Can you answer the template questions and provide some screenshots of what you're seeing

jeebsion commented 3 years ago

Oh sorry .. I'm very new here .. what are template questions?

Jarli01 commented 3 years ago

Take a look at the new ticket template, copy and paste and answer accordingly

jeebsion commented 3 years ago

sorry sir .. I am so lost .. I've tried searching for template all over this github profile to no avail :(

jeebsion commented 3 years ago

sorry sir .. I was running the script directly on my xcp-ng box ... maybe that's why it's not working?

Jarli01 commented 3 years ago

It's prepopulated when you create a new issue case.

In any scenario how did you install?

Please attach screenshots bso I can see what you're seeing

Jarli01 commented 3 years ago

sorry sir .. I was running the script directly on my xcp-ng box ... maybe that's why it's not working?

Which script are you running? I have several listed on the main page.

jeebsion commented 3 years ago

I ran this command at prompt:

bash -c "$(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Jarli01/xenorchestra_installer/master/xoce-import.sh)"

Jarli01 commented 3 years ago

Ok so you're importing the appliance.

Did you follow the on screen prompts?

jeebsion commented 3 years ago

yep .. the IP address configuration and that's that

Jarli01 commented 3 years ago

So if the import finished (I'm assuming it has) when you go do the web address listed you can't login?

Or are you asking what the credentials are to VM that you've imported, if this look at the instructions again, they're listed.

jeebsion commented 3 years ago

yes the import finished but I cannot get to the IP I entered earlier

Jarli01 commented 3 years ago

You said you already deleted it.

What desktop interface do you have? Windows?

jeebsion commented 3 years ago

yes deleted and run the script again .. 3 times in a row .. yes Windows 10

Jarli01 commented 3 years ago

So you very likely have multiple imports attempting to take place.

I'd recommend you download the xc-ng center agent, connect your server to it and see what is taking place.


jeebsion commented 3 years ago

okay sir .. I think you can close this thread already .. if all fails today I'm gonna do a fresh install all over again .. tq sir!

Jarli01 commented 3 years ago

No prob, you can also download the file directly over chrome or whatever browser you have and import it with XCP-NG Center.