Jarno458 / SatisfactoryArchipelagoMod

A Satisfactory mod for the Archipelago Multiworld, disigned to be compatiable with the Satisfactory Mod Loader
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Harddrive Gacha #97

Open Jarno458 opened 2 months ago

Jarno458 commented 2 months ago

Plan is to create logical buckets, where some all items from one bucket need to be collected before accessing the next, this will ensure items in early logic will still be collected early so we don't break progression balancing

ingame we will use an algorim to makes sure early items are still randomly selected but available a lot more than later game items

for example: we order all items in order of when they should be logically collected and form the 3 options that are avaible, we fill the first one with a random selection from the first 5 logically collected items the next bucket with the next 5 logically collected and the last bucket with remaining 5 logically collected items this way we will only be selecting from starting end of the items to collect