Jarosh / Exercises

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Knight problem - imprecise task description #3

Open cytrowski opened 7 years ago

cytrowski commented 7 years ago

My issue is related to that comments thread: https://github.com/Jarosh/Exercises/issues/2#issuecomment-273329599

Task description does not contain a restriction on knight movements as far as I see. It means there is no phrase telling me that I cannot go [-2, 1] after goint [1, 2]. That way I can reach any field on the infinite board.

Can you explain me why did you made different assumption in your solution? @Jarosh Maybe I don't see something important there?

seyfer commented 7 years ago

+1, need to be explained

@cytrowski have you solved a problem with a backward moves also? Could you share your solution?

cytrowski commented 7 years ago

@seyfer Yes I did it some time ago however I remember it being rejected - I've never figured out how come there are fields the knight cannot reach in finite number of moves.

seyfer commented 7 years ago

@cytrowski try BFS algorithm ;)