Jarrrk / HighLife

Open source feature configuration and issue tracker for the FiveM server HighLife Roleplay
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Non-priority queue suggestion #1433

Closed dsolesvik closed 4 years ago

dsolesvik commented 4 years ago

Describe the current reason for this balance request During peak hours (Since 8pm BST and later), the queue times get quite big. This means that there are a lot of people in priority queue, meaning people with no priority queue aren't able to gain access to the server at all, due to the constant stream of priority queue.

Describe the solution you'd like In my opinion, after every 5th person in priority queue, the next one or two people from non-priority queue should be able to enter the game. This allows at least a small flow of non-priority people to get in the game during such peak hours.

sbdonslaught commented 4 years ago

That defeats the purpose of the Priority Queue...

Fertinini commented 4 years ago

I don't understand why anything priority-queue related is being closed without any proper answers, really.

Since the playercount increase and GTA 5 being free, there are so, so many players queueing up. After 5pm BST it's literally impossible to get into the server without having priority queue. Impossible. There is queue of 40++ for at least 7 hours straight, if not more. That means you will have to wait in queue for 3 hours at best. You just can't play the game.

In addition to that, cities are full of Dannies. Literally. The RP quality is way below average nowadays and there is so much shitfest happening every day. I can assure you out of 100 players now on the server, at least 30% of them have less than 10 hours on the server.

I suggested something few days ago and it got closed just like that. The pay-to-play can stay as is (diamond/gold/silver/bronze) but giving the opportunity for loyal and experienced people to have a chance too is not bad. You need those. Something like diamond>gold>silver>bronze>regulars. Anyone with 100+ hours could unlock this. There some of us who have been playing everyday for weeks and now are unable to join at all unless we actually pay-to-play.

It was denied for the reason ''that way the community won't grow'' which is false. It will keep growing yes, just slower than now, means less danies. Steadily. Quality > quantity. Currently the manpower of staff lacks compared to the playercount, and so are services (often there are 1-3 EMS for 100 people(!)).

The fact that servers restart every 12 hours instead of 6 too doesn't help. People could get a chance by queue-sniping but that's not a thing anymore too.

sbdonslaught commented 4 years ago

I don't understand why anything priority-queue related is being closed without any proper answers, really.

Just because it's closed doesn't mean you can't have a conversation or comment on it. We don't need 6 Github complaints from people in non-priority open, cluttering up the list when Jarrrk goes through all of them.

How can you say "literally impossible to join without priority" but then say "Server is full of Dannies"... Are you saying the players that have not even been on the server are the ones donating?

I can assure you out of 100 players now on the server, at least 30% of them have less than 10 hours on the server.

False. But I like the effort.

Something like diamond>gold>silver>bronze>regulars

It's currently Diamond > Gold > Silver > Bronze > PD/EMS > Everyone else.

It will keep growing yes, just slower than now, means less danies.

Again False, If you give everyone with 100+ hours queue priority, that means over 2200 people will have priority queue.

Quality > quantity

This is the reason we are not opening a 3rd server at this time.

Currently the manpower of staff lacks compared to the player count, and so are services (often there are 1-3 EMS for 100 people(!)).

Apply to be EMS, you will then get priority and actually help the server out. 2 Birds one stone...

The fact that servers restart every 12 hours instead of 6 too doesn't help. People could get a chance by queue-sniping but that's not a thing anymore too.

You can still Queue Snipe, just not as frequently. I am sure that the majority of people who actually play the server would say 12 restarts are much better. Especially from a Staff stand-point, it means people stay immersed longer/better, and not having to rush to finish situations.

Fertinini commented 4 years ago

How can you say "literally impossible to join without priority" but then say "Server is full of Dannies"... Are you saying the players that have not even been on the server are the ones donating?

That was an exaggeration, but a good amount of the playerbase consists of Dannies. Just because they don't donate for it it doesn't mean they can't get in. Just because I haven't donated for it it doesn't mean I can't get in. We all get in, eventually. If I queue up now, I will be on the server at let's say 12am. And the ones who queue up an hour later will be on the server at 1am. And some who queued up earlier are already in. That doesn't change anything, really.

False. But I like the effort.

There are a lot more newer players nowadays. That is a fact. If not 30%, 20%. Which is a lot too.

Again False, If you give everyone with 100+ hours queue priority, that means over 2200 people will have priority queue.

You could counter that by giving priority queue every month to let's say 10% of those ''2200'' regulars (220). Random generator. That way not everyone gets it, but at least everyone gets the chance. I have seen some priority queue giveaways but there are higher chances to win the lotto than those /s

This is the reason we are not opening a 3rd server at this time.

I agree, but you also do it by allowing less new people to join the server, with ways mentioned above^. You still don't close any doors. The quality of RP is worse than it was now, partially thank whoever made GTA5 free. Quality>quantity.

You can still Queue Snipe, just not as frequently. I am sure that the majority of people who actually play the server would say 12 restarts are much better. Especially from a Staff stand-point, it means people stay immersed longer/better, and not having to rush to finish situations.

I am sure the ones with no priority would love them. I personally never had a problem having to relog once every 6 hours. It's nothing. It might be somewhat annoying at times, yes, but nothing special. I believe the pros of having 6 hour restarts outweight the cons.

I appreciate the comment by the way.

dsolesvik commented 4 years ago

Personally, I'm able to come on during UK mornings and days because the US players aren't awake but when it comes to UK evenings, the queues are just way too long for non-priority people to join. Yes, I understand that priority queue is a thing and if I was personally able to buy priority, I would. But there's loads of people like me, who are dedicated massively towards Highlife, who are simply not able to get priority, because they don't have the funds or aren't allowed by their parents to buy things online or more. I have spent 300 hours in the game and am nothing but enjoying it and I would love to get online during peak hours. But because of the current situation where GTA is now free on Epic Games and so many new dannies are joining, I simply cannot get on and clock on as a cadet for a ridealong, I cannot come on during evenings to enjoy Highlife, so I have to dedicate my time elsewhere.

I personally really like the idea of at least temporarily introducing a "regular" priority tier which comes below all other tiers, which would be available for non-priority players who have something like 300 hours of playtime, who dedicate, say at least 50 hours per month or something similar. That way, active players with no priority can at least get the opportunity to constantly contribute to the roleplay. Because I'm not gonna lie, it's been pissing me off a lot, seeing default dannies with no mics who RDM and VDM and combat log, being in the game when there's 50 other players trying to queue up for that spot.

Fertinini commented 4 years ago

I just don't understand how it's any better having queues of 100+ people after 4pm BST both servers combined. That means people with no priority need to wait at least 2 hours to get in, and not everyone has that luxury of time. At times it's not even 2 hours, more like 3++.

As the guy above said, not everyone can buy priority queue. There are plenty of young players who are simply not allowed to, we all know how it used to be being a teen. There isn't ''anyone can donate, they just choose not to'' because if that was the case then literally everyone would. I don't think anyone in this world likes to wait hours in queue just to play...a game.

Once again, the quality of RP is extremely low nowadays. There are simply too many new players and this is actually bad, not good. The community grows, yes, it also says a lot about the server itself, yes, but there must be a limit. The interractions are often below average. It's already somewhat inevitable with it being a public server, we shouldn't be making it worse.

The manpower of staff lacks a lot too, at times there are 100 players online with 0 staff. This should not be happening at all. Ideally one staff member per 30 players. And the ones who are more likely to cause trouble and extra strain are the newcomers.

Reward those with good RP (no bans on record etc), the ones that have proven themselves. The loyal ones. We need those players. Not people with no microphone and zero intent to RP, people who are going to get banned sooner or later. Do not close any doors. Just make it harder. Give priority queue to at least let's say 10%, 20% of all the regulars. Give them the chance.

And one more thing, bring back the 6 hour restarts. The pros outweight the cons.