Jarrrk / HighLife

Open source feature configuration and issue tracker for the FiveM server HighLife Roleplay
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Att. Commercial Break In #2629

Closed skryy99 closed 3 years ago

skryy99 commented 3 years ago

Describe the current reason for this balance request Currently, criminals can sit in the area for commercial break-ins and try to break into the storage containers without any consequence. Alongside #2628, this would help Police to counter the constant commercial break ins and make it more difficult to get away from the robbery scot free.

Describe the solution you'd like I would like the same mechanic with Commercial break-ins as how attempted store robberies work and are initiated; which I shan't go into detail about for metagaming's sake. Police would get notifications of an "Attempted Commercial Break in" reported.

Additional context Alarms of the commercial property could either be turned on, just like the regular commercial break-ins or we could have a silent alarm feature for the police in which we would get notified but the alarms wouldn't be triggered. The 10-code for the call could be 10-46.

dontaythedon commented 3 years ago

Why every cop want hand outs? You can’t fly in the city without LSPD knowing. Y’all got more than enough gadgets that literally make you Batman in the city. If anything y’all need less. So work to catch them stop looking for drop offs at your front door

bubbafluff commented 3 years ago

@dontaythedon that isn't the issue. The issue is that crims are being unrealistic and waiting in an area for 20+minutes which irl would be busy with workers and cops would be called. A similar thing happened at the docks too

dontaythedon commented 3 years ago

No what’s unrealistic is having a notification when someone is selling drugs and saying “locals” are calling cops. You have to understand from everyone stand point. Crims are trying to close the financial gap. Can’t drive trucks or get a blue collared job cause the pay out so shifty and unbalanced compared to a white listed job. No complaints there cause that’s why whitelisted jobs exist. But you really can’t expect someone not to try to find some work around. Yeah in irl no one would be just camping a spot to continuously keep robbing but y’all don’t need extra gear for anything else. Let the Admin nerf it but cops don’t need buffs

alfarrak commented 3 years ago

WL jobs excluding the top end managing roles earn less than non-WL jobs including criminal activities.

dontaythedon commented 3 years ago

WL jobs excluding the top end managing roles earn less than non-WL jobs including criminal activities.

To what extent? Cause i highly doubt that. If I work Ron Rank 5 thats 8-9k after driving for 50 IRL mins. Which also is so time consuming that you quit off natural boredom alone. And thats core hours. 6-7k on non-core hours and don't let that percentage change on how much you make per shift. One day you can have 1.1 for pay out next its 1.3.

Criminals I can agree on cause its high risk high pay. Which makes sense cause that just like Life itself. But wanting more gadgets to do what? Make the city bland and boring cause you can't cough without getting pulled over. And its nothing against in officers apart of this discussion cause alot of them are cool and collect cops but its way bigger issues in the city tbh

OwenBrads commented 3 years ago

I make like 6k an hour at my rank in PD whitelist jobs pay a balanced wage

alfarrak commented 3 years ago

Don't focus on the money and you will have a better time in every encounter you find yourself in when playing HL.

dontaythedon commented 3 years ago

Don't focus on the money and you will have a better time in every encounter you find yourself in when playing HL.

DONT FOCUS ON MONEY!? lol man stop. How can you not? Life is a penalty why you think criminals exist? Cause they bored? Cause its fun to get arrested? No its cause they are broke.

alfarrak commented 3 years ago

I played HL exclusively for almost a year as a criminal character and ran loads of events and was involved in huge beefs and never had more than 30k-40k in my bank. Change your outlook.

skryy99 commented 3 years ago

Want to know why people roleplay? Because you clearly don't understand. To be someone they're not irl. If people want to earn money 24/7 have no interactions or fun, then go work in an office in Highlife. Criminals should be roleplaying as criminals, which admittedly I think only a small amount do, but this is off topic for the feedback.

dontaythedon commented 3 years ago

I played HL exclusively for almost a year as a criminal character and ran loads of events and was involved in huge beefs and never had more than 30k-40k in my bank. Change your outlook.

For one that your fault cause I own a 100K car, a boat, a van, a jeep, and a house all off criminal life. And I only been in the city for 2 months

Want to know why people roleplay? Because you clearly don't understand. To be someone they're not irl. If people want to earn money 24/7 have no interactions or fun, then go work in an office in Highlife. Criminals should be roleplaying as criminals, which admittedly I think only a small amount do, but this is off topic for the feedback.

And you just proved my point. "Criminals should be roleplaying as criminals" They don't just like you said. I haven't been arrested not once in the city for no reason what so ever. The other day I got put in handcuff for killing a danny and protecting myself then released. ON MY JOB. Did any of you show up to help. No you didn't cause I laid there for almost a hour waiting for some form of justice. Something happen to yall then what..... " hey buddy let me pick you up cause every other person in this city can't do it and let me take you to the ER"

skryy99 commented 3 years ago

If you have a complaint against an Officer, file it as appropriate, especially if you feel you have been illegally detained. However, this has gone extremely off topic. Let's leave it here and see what direction Jarrrrk would like to go with my suggestion, whether that's adding it or refusing it. I think we've all had enough venting for one day

Scottehhh commented 3 years ago

This thread has gone so far from the original point of conversation and suggestion. Just one thing in particular caught my attention:

No what’s unrealistic is having a notification when someone is selling drugs and saying “locals” are calling cops

What? That is literally the complete opposite of unrealistic... it is entirely realistic. Go to the busiest streets in a major city, start trying to sell drugs to 10’s of people and see how long before you’ve got an officer on you. No idea what your point was there.

dontaythedon commented 3 years ago

Where in that paragraph did you read me complaining about an officer. I even said before they perform well on duty.

This thread has gone so far from the original point of conversation and suggestion. Just one thing in particular caught my attention:

No what’s unrealistic is having a notification when someone is selling drugs and saying “locals” are calling cops

What? That is literally the complete opposite of unrealistic... it is entirely realistic. Go to the busiest streets in a major city, start trying to sell drugs to 10’s of people and see how long before you’ve got an officer on you. No idea what your point was there.

No the point is showing a Pill on a map of the exact location of where someone was selling and not the road of which it is happening literally making being a cop breeze to catch a drug dealer. Cause in real life show me a GPS that shows the location of the person.

And the for record guys don't take this as I'm just trying to be a asshole. Its a system as criminals thats annoying. Making it really hard to roleplay. Its a straight to the point system that criminals honestly cant fight resulting into them shooting or running to the mountains. Get drugs, sell drugs, get caught, loose everything (even stuff that wasnt apart of the crime), apply for whitelist, get denied, start over and repeat.

Jarrrk commented 3 years ago

No the point is showing a Pill on a map of the exact location of where someone was selling and not the road of which it is happening

Lets note:

a) there's a considerable delay b) the cop has to actually get there c) the odds of triggering this event is low d) if you'd open your eyes and be on alert, you know, while selling drugs in a highly populated street, it's pretty easy to spot a cop if you pay attention... e) roleplay it out f) stop getting caught

apply for whitelist, get denied, start over and repeat.

Not the entire servers balancing problem that you can't probably meet the word count for a whitelist role.

Reading over the majority of this 'constructive feedback' is pretty funny, while I have no constructive comments either at this time, I've got to agree that camping inside private property, spamming E on a box while setting a timer, then dipping on an underpriced superbike is laughable, makes me just want to remove the entire container system of robberies as I've never seen one group ever take a hostage and have any meaningful roleplay.

Scottehhh commented 3 years ago

No the point is showing a Pill on a map of the exact location of where someone was selling and not the road of which it is happening

If I call police, I’m going to hand over a house number ament I, or at least some sort of specific detail. I’m not just going to give them my street and let them guess the rest. Same logic with you selling outside a connivence store for example, that’s a specific place.

Not to mention, as Jarrrk sort of said, police have to get there and the chances of you being on that exact call marker are next to nothing. So in fact, it does become the street/block if not the numerous surrounding blocks.

dontaythedon commented 3 years ago

No the point is showing a Pill on a map of the exact location of where someone was selling and not the road of which it is happening

Lets note:

a) there's a considerable delay b) the cop has to actually get there c) the odds of triggering this event is low d) if you'd open your eyes and be on alert, you know, while selling drugs in a highly populated street, it's pretty easy to spot a cop if you pay attention... e) roleplay it out f) stop getting caught

apply for whitelist, get denied, start over and repeat.

Not the entire servers balancing problem that you can't probably meet the word count for a whitelist role.

Reading over the majority of this 'constructive feedback' is pretty funny, while I have no constructive comments either at this time, I've got to agree that camping inside private property, spamming E on a box while setting a timer, then dipping on an underpriced superbike is laughable, makes me just want to remove the entire container system of robberies as I've never seen one group ever take a hostage and have any meaningful roleplay.

Lol I respect that. But whats laughable is how everyone thinks I'm talking about myself, cause this is a hypothetical discussion coming from me. I comply under all rules. And have never been caught. Not once cause I got more common sense than that.

Jarrrk commented 3 years ago

Discussion is a bit dumb in here but I did this a while ago, recently fixed it to actually do what it was intended to do.

pro-tip: don't stand in private property with guns and crowbars in hand expecting no one to call the cops - to all the s m a r t individuals out there 👋