Jarrrk / HighLife

Open source feature configuration and issue tracker for the FiveM server HighLife Roleplay
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Steering Wheel Compatibility #2654

Closed AblaAdams closed 3 years ago

AblaAdams commented 3 years ago

Please describe and elaborate on the topic as much as possible

So recently me and a friend who have been on highlife for little over a year now, have noticed something extremely kind of dissatisfying after we both decided to get a steering wheel cause we feel as if it would allow us to enhance our experince on the server. But we were shocked to find out that we weren't actually able to use the steering wheel due to the server not allowing us to use a menu off GTAV Mods that allow you to work directly with your steering wheel to work as if you were playing a racing game.


That is the link to the script. It works on a majority servers to allow you to use your steering wheel properly and how it is intended to be used on the server, instead of having to use an emulator that doesn't allow you to actually steer properly, due to it picking it up as a controller. I was wondering if you could help the community out and add a feature that allows us to open up the menu that helps make out steering wheel compatible. Or if there is something we can work out if you can work on making your own script I don't know it's just a suggestion and me and my friend would really enjoy it, and many others possibly.

Sincerely, Abla

Jarrrk commented 3 years ago

That is the link to the script

I don't know how you think FiveM and gameplay scripting works but it doesn't work anything like you understand, we can't just take something and copy paste it in, doesn't work like that, not to mention the plethora of issues I can imagine this will bring.

It works on a majority servers

And that's because other servers allow scripthook, which allows players to execute whatever on their client, such as trainers, and other such calibre of menus and dodgy scripts.


I too have no plans to waste countless hours to satisfy such a minority amount of players.

Jarrrk commented 3 years ago

I'll trackback on my comments for a second.

If someone wants to purchase and send me a wheel and pedals setup then I'll happily take a crack at it ♿

SirBourne commented 2 years ago

Did any1 buy u that wheel yet? Cause I rly wanna use mine in Highlife... <3

Jarrrk commented 2 years ago


akumajikana commented 2 years ago

bro please.... PLEASE add wheel support i will actually kiss you on the forehead and give you a firm handshake

Skutela32 commented 2 years ago

We can start to put money together to buy jarrrk a steering wheel. If people agree with it then I'll try start one up.

Also jarrrk if we do this could it be posted on the discord to help fund for it.

SirBourne commented 2 years ago

Dude I’m more than willing to put some money down for Jarrrk to get hooked on a wheel. Start the process and get us the link! I mean the G920 isn’t that expensive and that’s one I use!

Skutela32 commented 2 years ago

I set this up for it. https://gofund.me/a31d86db

SirBourne commented 2 years ago

Nice Skutela! I'll add some right away =D

Jarrrk could u let us post this on Discord?