Jarrrk / HighLife

Open source feature configuration and issue tracker for the FiveM server HighLife Roleplay
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Confiscation / evidence locker useage. #3093

Closed Novau101 closed 3 years ago

Novau101 commented 3 years ago

Describe the current reason for this balance request

Confiscation is a bit of a powergamey thing in general. The item confiscated goes poof completely into the abyss. Its a great rule of thumb to confiscate stuff when in pd, but you gotta confiscate things like guns during the initial arrest. Below suggests a way of expanding on this to allow for more roleplay opportunities.

Describe the solution you'd like

For the confiscate function to move items to a separate, limitless player inventory, which then needs to be deposited in the evidence locker.

Heres a scenario.

1) Police officer confiscates weaponry and drugs at the scene of the crime. They are now in a "confiscate inventory".

2a) police officer then needs to make sure that they return to the police station of their choosing and "deposit items", which after a brief delay removes all items from the confiscated items inventory.

2b) police officer is held up by gang affiliates for the confiscated items back. They are able to do so because they are able to search through the "confiscated items" section of their inventory. Further encouraging officers to RTB and deposit them.

2c) police officer who confiscated items was precautionary/in the wrong, and now can return items back to the rightful owner in scenarios where mistakes happen, instead of the victim being shit out of luck.

Additional context It would also be cool if police officers when correctly depositing confiscated items got a small bonus dependant on the items worth, however this is optional.

M3RL1N87 commented 3 years ago

Imagine with me if you will. Your a Police Officer responding in haste to a massive gang shootout where their is gunfire raging and lighting up your CAD. Upon your arrival you and your colleagues find an absolute massacre of at least 15 individuals with another 6 in custody....

You are now tasked with getting GSR tests, rendering first aid, sorting and searching the wounded, coordinating EMS response, prepping transport to the Hospital and MRPD. 30 minutes have already passed, BUT WAIT! Now you must inventory and organize all confiscated items and separate from contraband.

1.hour and 30 minutes later, you and your colleagues have finally got all suspects to MRPD. Some are crying g for reductions because so much time has passed. They scream at the corruption. Some get time served, and it's time to give them back their belongings. Items are missing, some won't stack, people forgot who had what or who's is who's, demands for compensation are made, frivolous lawsuits are filed, phones blowing up demanding a hostage exchanged for confiscated items!

1 call, the first call you respond to after clocking in... takes you upwards to 3 hours to see to the end.... and you get to do it all over again...

Fuck... that... shut....

Novau101 commented 3 years ago

Those kinds of calls are going to take a long time regardless. Organising confiscated goods wouldn't be an issue because they would just move to a limitless inventory.

You already need to take note on which gang member had what, to charge them appropriately.

In addition, you make reference to a hostage being taken for confiscated goods of affiliate gang members. As if this kind of roleplay is a bad thing.

M3RL1N87 commented 3 years ago

Yes, those calls will take longer. There no need to make them even longer.

Contraband is noted for charges, charges that may ot may not stick. Full confiscation may not happen. To then double down and catalogue everyone's belongings would only slow things even further.

There cannot and will likely never be an "unlimited" inventory. There are memory limitations and some items don't stack. Most items have stack limits. Can you imagine all the scenarios where items don't get returned? I once remember the servers would crash if someone had to many outfits saved. Don't Wanna have that again on account of a bunch of unclaimed phones.

Lastly, Cops have enough nonsense hostage situations to deal with. Last thing we need is a Crim replay option on getting lost loot.

Novau101 commented 3 years ago

I don't quite understand what your line of thought here is really. If you confiscate an item, its for a reason. Whether it be a gun because it was used or contraband. There's already a note of things being taken. If police are confiscating blindly or without real reason, thats a different topic entirely.

The current system with confiscating is flawed, I'm just making a suggestion which I think would add to roleplay and fix some issues with the system as it is now. I can't attest to the intricacies on how this process works from a technical standpoint, but I'm just making a suggestion.

M3RL1N87 commented 3 years ago

I can see why you want this, honestly I think we all would as it applies to how things work in the real world. However no matter how much it is implied, Highlife isn't like the real world. Highlife is very fast paced and we have to respond accordingly.

I mean, no where do you have multiple armed robberies, hostage situations, high speed chases, and perpetual gang warfare in a span of a day. The Police have a hard enough time staying available for calls.as it is. Really no reason to create more of a delay.

Quite frankly, I consider confiscated items when factoring charges. Even then, they are easily replaceable. Sure it sucks, but that's how it goes. Don't k ow how long you been around, but there was a time when Compensation was a myth in Highlife. Ya just deal with it and move on.