Jarrrk / HighLife

Open source feature configuration and issue tracker for the FiveM server HighLife Roleplay
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Delayed locking on vehicles since migration and key fob update #6567

Closed Gigazom closed 1 month ago

Gigazom commented 1 month ago

What happened?

Ever since the server migrated to NA the locking feature on vehicles has become more delayed and unstable. I might lock/unlock the vehicle 2-3 times before the action I am meant to do occurs. And since the new feature with key fobs was introduced it has become worse. It might happen 3-5 times now during it's worst spikes. It happens in spikes, ususally more frequent when there is a full server or a lot of people nearby. I am EU myself and pings have of course gone up since the migration. I have asked other people about their experiences and they have the same issue.

Expected result

The vehicle should lock/unlock first try

Reproduction steps

  1. Step out of the car and lock it.
  2. Unlocking a owned vehicle.
  3. Lock/unlock the car while driving



Additional information

It becomes an issue for me personally since I am mainly PD and during decamps I have to stay behind for a while to make sure the car really is locked and this can affect the result of a situation.

FruitcakeLIVE commented 1 month ago

Ama guess and say the delay on unlocking was meant, I have seen the delay when the new sounds was unlocked, I think its to give us time to 'Pull the key fob out'

Jarrrk commented 1 month ago

The delay is artificial, in relation to the keyfob press and sound.