Jarrrk / HighLife

Open source feature configuration and issue tracker for the FiveM server HighLife Roleplay
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It will not let me retry the gun license test #6615

Closed Dviine closed 4 weeks ago

Dviine commented 4 weeks ago

Steam Username


What happened?

when I try to get my gun license it says application processing but when I click check status it says it failed ajnd when I try to re take the test before I even get to put any answer in it says application processing I have already got help from a helper and he told me to make an issue about it

Expected result

I should have been able to take the test again but it wouldn't let me

Reproduction steps

press check status says failed press portal home try to do the test again it repeats itself



Additional information

sorry for spamming

FruitcakeLIVE commented 4 weeks ago

You have already been told that if you keep spamming issue reports they are going to ban you from the server. I would stop if I was you.