Jarrrk / HighLife

Open source feature configuration and issue tracker for the FiveM server HighLife Roleplay
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Support Shop #6674

Closed drdylan813 closed 1 week ago

drdylan813 commented 1 week ago

Steam Username


What happened?

I just started this city this month and quickly bought the Bronze supporter rank, I got my friends to purchase ranks but they one upped me and went to silver so I did the same. I just got my roommate to switch from console and test out pc and he flew in yesterday late at night with no queue. Today he wanted to play again so I convinced him to buy bronze queue at least which he did on my other pc. We made him a discord and he had an old steam account and purchased him the rank, however it was somehow transferred to my account which left him with no rank and downgraded me back to bronze after I have already spent $30 to get to silver this month, was just wondering if it's possible to get a transfer on the supporter rank.

Expected result

Supporter Status should have swapped over, and even if it does go to me it should not downgrade a higher rank.

Reproduction steps

1.Opened incognito window so none of my info would be stored for his logins. 2.Opened website for your server shop 3.He signed into his steam account then we made him a discord and he confirmed all the details. 4.Went to purchase his rank and it kept displaying my discord but we dismissed it as a visual bug due to us being able to see it was linked to his discord and we got additional confirmation on the checkout in which he had to login to his discord again then he bought the rank using his card. 5.He was waiting in queue as was I and he stayed at 35/70 and I went from 3/5 to 20/22



Additional information

His email is nowakkaden@gmail.com and fiveM is kadenftw, thanks so much for anything you can do to help :)

Jarrrk commented 1 week ago

Use the website help area, this is for game related issues.