JarvyJ / HomeIntent

an offline voice assistant with tight integration with Home Assistant
84 stars 12 forks source link

[Feature Reuest] Make this Hassio Addon #257

Open thundergreen opened 2 years ago

thundergreen commented 2 years ago

Hello, thanks first for this awesome masterpiece. I struggled hard with intents and did not know really how to start. Then I found your App and set up everything in 5 minutes and EVERYTHING works well. I just need to adjust rhasspy for better understanding.

As I am running Hassos and therefor no Custom Dockers to run, I thought it might be just awesome to make an Addon? What you think?



JarvyJ commented 2 years ago

Yes! This is a great idea and part of the plan. Once I properly support satellites, I am going to make it available as an addon. I figured I'd wait, since folks will probably need satellites with a Hass addon.

thundergreen commented 2 years ago

Good point! Absolutely great. Waiting the outcome. For the time being I use HomeIntent apart from Home assistant connected via MQTT and Stellites :)

Thanks so mich for this awesome masterpiece!

JarvyJ commented 2 years ago

You're welcome! Glad you're enjoying it!

SamJongenelen commented 2 years ago

Great! Subscribing