JasXSL / GoThongs

An SL game with thongs and lechery!
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PM04 Translation for Japanese Players. #460

Closed UnknownOneMS closed 1 year ago

UnknownOneMS commented 1 year ago

Intro Text

[PM04] The Windward Isles 1-4 Players

The Wind Primal has been locked away in the windward isles floating to the north east of PanRi. There is an old air temple near the center of PanRi, located in a swamp. I should start my search there.


[PM04] ウィンドワード・アイルズ 1〜4人のプレイヤー


UnknownOneMS commented 1 year ago

Stage 1 Text

Step 1. I have entered the swamp of central PanRi in search of an air temple.

Goblin: Halt! Come no closer! A sickness has spread over our camp!

Goblin: Our shaman can make a cure but we need greencap.

Goblin: If you really want to help, go harvest some greencap. It's the glowing mushrooms on the trees.

Goblin: You got the glowcap? Then please take it to our shaman.

Shaman: An outsider? Good, good.

Shaman: We must make this cure before it is too late.

Shaman: When we begin, I will call out ingredients for you to fetch.

Shaman: Familiarize yourself with the ingredients. Then tell me when you are ready.

ステージ1 テキスト

ステップ1. 古代の風の神殿を探しにパンリ中央部の沼地に入った。

ゴブリン: 止マレ!近づくナ!オレ達のキャンプに疫病が蔓延していル!

ゴブリン: シャーマンが「治療薬」を作っテいるガ、「ミドリダケ」が必要ダ。

ゴブリン: 本当に助けたイのなラ、「ミドリダケ」を集めテこイ。「木に生えテる光るキノコ」だ。

ゴブリン: 「ミドリダケ」を手に入れタのカ?それナら、シャーマンの所に持ってイってくレ。

シャーマン: 外界の者カ…? 丁度いい、助かル…。

シャーマン: 手遅れにナる前に、コの「治療薬」を作らナけレバ。

シャーマン: 準備が出来たラ、材料の名前を呼ぶカら取ってきてくレ。

シャーマン: どんな材料があるか確認しテ、準備が出来たラ声をかけてクレ。

UnknownOneMS commented 1 year ago

Brewing Mini-Game

Shaman: We will begin, get ready!

Add worm meat

The brew needs more greencap!

More greens are needed, add herbs

We need something uplifting, add spirits

-If the player gets the correct ingredient. (Keep this one in English please).

Shaman: Just like that!

-If player fails the brewing session. (Keep this one in English please).

That was the wrong ingredient!

Shaman: The brew is a failure. Talk to me to try again.

-When the player is successful at the mini-game. (Keep this one in English please).

Shaman: Good job! The medicine is ready!

Goblin: Please give the medicine to the sick in the village.

The goblin hands you a vial of medicine.


シャーマン: 準備はイイか? 始めるゾ!





-If the player gets the correct ingredient. (Keep this one in English please).

シャーマン: いいゾ、その材料ダ!

-If player fails the brewing session. (Keep this one in English please).

シャーマン: 材料が違うゾ!

シャーマン: 醸造は失敗ダ…。もう一度、作り直すなら私に声をかけてクれ。

-When the player is successful at the mini-game. (Keep this one in English please).

シャーマン: 良くやっタ!「治療薬」が出来タ…!

シャーマン: 村の病人に「治療薬」を使ってヤってくレ。


UnknownOneMS commented 1 year ago

Stage 1 Text (Continued)

A virus is ejected from the goblin!

You have cured enough goblins. Maybe the shaman knows where to go next?

Shaman: You have cured our village, but I'm afraid it's a temporary solution.

Shaman: Beyond our village lies the Panari Temple of Wind.

Shaman: Our tribe has honored the wind elementals for generations. Once the Panari vanished, a foul wind started spreading from the temple.

Shaman: The wind is spreading corruption across the land, but you... you seem unaffected.

Shaman: Next to the temple lies a shrine with a sealing mechanism. I know not how to unseal the temple, but maybe you can.

Shaman: I do not know what lies within, but I will instruct the guards to let you through.

Shaman: I fear you might be our only hope of stopping the corruption. Spirits be with you.

Goblin: We will let you through. Be careful out there!

You pick up a marble which is SMOOTH to the touch

You pick up a marble which is COLD to the touch

You pick up a marble which is MOIST to the touch

You pick up a marble which is WARM to the touch

You put the marble in the holder

You replace the marble, taking one which is COLD to your hands.

You replace the marble, taking one which is SMOOTH to your hands.

You replace the marble, taking one which is MOIST to your hands.

You replace the marble, taking one which is WARM to your hands.

You feel a cool breeze slip between your ears

Voice: You have proven to be pure of heart

Voice: Make haste to The Temple of Air, the path shall be open to you.




シャーマン: オ前は仲間の治療をしてクレた。シカシ、一時的な解決にしかナラなイ。

シャーマン: 村の奥に、古代の風のパナリ神殿がアル。

シャーマン: 私たちの部族は代々、風の精霊を祭ってキタ。しかし、「パナリ」が居なくナった途端、神殿から邪悪な風が吹き始めタ。

シャーマン: その風は島全体に汚染を広げてイル…。しかし、オ前は...汚染の影響を受けてイナイようダ。

シャーマン: 神殿の隣に、封印の祠がアル。私は封印を解く方法を知らナイが、オ前なら出来るカモしれナイ。

シャーマン: 中に何がアルのか知らナイが、守衛にオ前を通すように伝えヨウ。

シャーマン: オ前が汚染を止める唯一の希望なのカモしれナイ。精霊がオ前と共に居る事を祈ル。

ゴブリン: 話は聞いてイル、通してヤル。気を付けろヨ!











不思議な声: 純粋な心を持っていることが証明された。

不思議な声: 風の神殿へ急げ、道は開かれるであろう。

UnknownOneMS commented 1 year ago

Stage 2 Text

Step 2. I unlocked an old wind temple. A strange gust has slipped into my mind.

Whisper: The Temple of Wind lies ahead.

-If player interacts with Portal before it is active (Keep this part in English).

Can't use this right now.

Whisper: Find the key in the library.

Whisper: Beware the defiled spirits roam these halls.

Elemental: Defilers! I must protect the key!

The elemental disperses

You pick up the key!

The gate reacts to the proximity of the key

This is no place for you

You are not allowed here

Why do you defile this place?

Whisper: The air elementals were the wardens of the mind.

Whisper: The Panari warriors desired balance. Both of body and mind.

Whisper: They would visit The Temple of Air as a part of their training.

Whisper: Learn from this.

The stars light up again

Whisper: The wind would aid the farmers, pollenating the lands.

Whisper: Learn from this.

Whisper: Once the corruption took hold, the entrance to The Windward Isles was sealed.

Whisper: You hold the key, but must prove yourself.

Whisper: Cleanse the foulness from these sacred halls, and I shall show you the way.

Whisper: You have proven yourself worthy.

Whisper: Make haste to the portal, I shall meet you there.

The cool breeze slips out of your head

Air Sprite: We finally meet. I am Feng.

Feng: Time is short. You must come with me.

Feng: The Windward Isles beckon!

The portal opens!

ステージ2 テキスト

ステップ2. 古代の風の神殿の扉を開けた。不思議な風が心の中に入り込み囁きかけてきた。

囁き声: 風の至聖所への道は、この先にあります。

-If player interacts with Portal before it is active (Keep this part in English).


囁き声: 図書館で鍵を見つけてください。

囁き声: 穢れた精霊が神殿内を徘徊しているので気を付けて。

エレメンタル: 穢し者め…!鍵は渡さぬ…!




エレメンタル: ここはお前たちの居場所ではない

エレメンタル: お前たちがここに居る事は許されぬ…

エレメンタル: なぜこの場所を穢すのだ?

囁き声: エアエレメンタルは心の監視者でした。

囁き声: 「パナリ」の戦士たちは、肉体と精神の両方のバランスを求めていました。

囁き声: そこで「パナリ」の戦士たちは、修行の一環として 「風の神殿 」を訪れました。

囁き声: 体感して学んでください。


囁き声: 風は農民を助け、土地に花を咲かせました。

囁き声: 体感して学んでください。

囁き声: 穢れが広がると、「ウィンドワード・アイルズ」への入り口は封鎖されました。

囁き声: あなたはその鍵を握っています。ですが、あなたの力を証明しなければなりません。

囁き声: この神聖なホールから穢れを払って下さい。

囁き声: あなたは自分の力を証明しました。

囁き声: 入り口へ、そこで待っています。


エアスプライト: ようやっと会えましたね、うちはフェンといいます。

フェン: あまり、時間がおまへん。うちと一緒に来たってや!

フェン: 「ウィンドワード・アイルズ」が呼んでいます!


UnknownOneMS commented 1 year ago

Stage 3 Text

Feng: These are the windward isles.

Feng: I will keep a lookout from the skies.

The gate reacts to the protector shutting down

A harbinger has fallen. Two remain.

🏥 You are blinded by spores! Find a cleansing flower!

A harbinger has fallen. One remains.

ステージ3 テキスト

フェン: これが「ウィンドワード・アイルズ」やねん。

フェン: うちは上空から見張ることにしよか。



🏥 胞子で目が見えなくなる!浄化の花を見つけよう!


UnknownOneMS commented 1 year ago

Stage 4 Text

Feng: The air primal was locked away on these isles to prevent the corruption from spreading.

Feng: Bound to a single form, it cannot escape.

Feng: To cleanse the corruption, you must cause the primal to disperse.

Feng: It will not be easy. But I will aid you.

Feng: If you fall, I will pull you back up here.

Wind Primal: Leave this place!

-if Player jumps off the platform (Keep this line in English please).

Feng: I got you!

🏥 Jump off the platform to avoid the storm!

🏥 The storm moves

Primal: I am free!

Primal: The primal of fire cast his lot with the demons, I was betrayed!

Primal: If we are to cleanse PanRi, you must dispose of him.

Primal: Feng will take you back to your companions.

Primal: Tread carefully, for The Scorched Crag is a dangerous place.

ステージ4 テキスト

フェン: 原初の風精霊は、汚染が拡大するのを防ぐため、この至聖所の浮島に閉じ込められとります。

フェン: 一つの形に縛られ、逃れることは出来まへん。

フェン: 汚染を浄化するには、原初の風精霊の力を一度分散させる必要があんねん。

フェン: 簡単な事やあらへんが、あんたを支援します…!

フェン: 浮島から落下しても、うちがここに引き上げます…!

原初の風精霊: この場から去れ…!

-if Player jumps off the platform (Keep this line in English please).

フェン: 捕まえました…!

🏥 浮島から飛び降りて嵐を避けよう!

🏥 嵐が荒れ狂い始めた

原初の風精霊: ワタシは解放された…!

原初の風精霊: 原初の火精霊は闇に身を投じ、ワタシは裏切られた!

原初の風精霊: パンリを浄化するためには、彼を倒すしかありません。

原初の風精霊: フェンがあなたを仲間の元へ導くでしょう。

原初の風精霊: 気を付けてください"焦げた岩場 "は大変危険な場所です。

UnknownOneMS commented 1 year ago

Stage 1 Hints

Follow the path

Collect Greencap which grows on the trees (0/7)

Collect Greencap which grows on the trees (1/7)

Collect Greencap which grows on the trees (2/7)

Collect Greencap which grows on the trees (3/7)

Collect Greencap which grows on the trees (4/7)

Collect Greencap which grows on the trees (5/7)

Collect Greencap which grows on the trees (6/7)

Return to the goblin

Find the shaman

Talk to the shaman and complete the potion

Cure the villagers (0/3)

Cure the villagers (1/3)

Cure the villagers (2/3)

Talk to the shaman

Follow the path at the side of the shaman's tent and enter the cave.

Cold = North, Dry = East, Warm = South, Moist = West

Enter the temple opposite of the cave.

ステージ1 ヒント


木に生えている「ミドリダケ」を集める (0/7)

木に生えている「ミドリダケ」を集める (1/7)

木に生えている「ミドリダケ」を集める (2/7)

木に生えている「ミドリダケ」を集める (3/7)

木に生えている「ミドリダケ」を集める (4/7)

木に生えている「ミドリダケ」を集める (5/7)





ゴブリンを治療する (0/3)





北=冷たい 東=なめらか 南=暖かい 西=しっとり


UnknownOneMS commented 1 year ago

Stage 2 Hints

Find the teleport chamber.

Enter the library and get the key. The key will move 3 times.

Return to the hallway upstairs.

Find the star room.

Find the correct constellation on the map. The solutions are in the book.

Return downstairs

Interact with the portal

ステージ2 ヒント








UnknownOneMS commented 1 year ago

Stage 3 Hints

Follow the path.

Jump down to the small platform and climb the ramp to the big isle. Kill the recordkeeper.

Kill the harbingers (0/3)

Kill the harbingers (1/3)

Kill the harbingers (2/3)

Interact with the waygate

ステージ3 ヒント



ハービンジャーを倒す (0/3)




UnknownOneMS commented 1 year ago


Stage 1 Book (Keep this part in English).

GIF: https://gyazo.com/ead6537487fb0b47635a272d25bb08b1

The Winds of PanRi

During my travels I have noticed interesting weather phenomena across the isle.

The southern wind brings warmth, making the lower sections of PanRi fertile farmlands.

The northern winds bring cold fresh air across the vast plains, creating a harsh but beautiful landscape.

More interesting is the west and east wind. Moisture emanates from Resurgence Hollow, coating the western mountains with rain and fueling our rivers.

The east winds blow free across the cliffs, smoothing them out and creating wondrous caves.

May cleansing winds always travel from The Windward Isles, blessing our lands.

Loremaster Xiao


Stage 1 Book (Keep this part in English).

GIF: https://gyazo.com/ead6537487fb0b47635a272d25bb08b1









UnknownOneMS commented 1 year ago

Stage 2 Book (Keep this part in English).

GIF: https://gyazo.com/e6508f55981ddef606359081223603d5

  1. The Longsword

  2. The Fish

  3. The Jewel of PanRi.

Stage 2 Book (Keep this part in English).

GIF: https://gyazo.com/e6508f55981ddef606359081223603d5

  1. ロングソード座

  2. 魚座

  3. パンリの宝石座

UnknownOneMS commented 1 year ago


[E] Harvest

[E] Greater Health Potion

[E] Let's begin

[E] Herbs

[E] Worm Meat

[E] Spirits

[E] Greencap

[E] Give Medicine

[E] I have cured the villagers

[E] Take Marble

[E] Place Marble

[E] Temple of the Wind

[E] Portal

[E] Elevator

[E] Key

[E] Star Map

[E] Read

[E] Teleporter

[E] Close


[E] 「ミドリダケ」を入手する。

[E] グレーターヘルスポーション

[E] 始めよう。

[E] ハーブ

[E] ワームミート

[E] スピリッツ

[E] ミドリダケ

[E] 治療薬を与える。

[E] ゴブリンたちを治療した。

[E] 玉石を取る。

[E] 玉石を置く。

[E] 古代の風の神殿

[E] ポータル

[E] 昇降機を起動する。

[E] 鍵

[E] 星の天図

[E] 読む

[E] テレポータ―

[E] 閉じる