Jaseci-Labs / jac-analyzer

The Jaclang Language Extension for VScode is an extension that provides basic Language Server Protocol (LSP) functionalities for the Jaclang programming language.
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[Bug] Server Crashes Due to Frequent Parsing of Files #47

Closed musab-mah-7 closed 3 months ago

musab-mah-7 commented 4 months ago

Issue Description

Title: Server Crashes Due to Frequent Parsing of Files


Problem Statement:

The server is experiencing frequent crashes due to excessive parsing of files, which is overwhelming its resources. This issue is critical and requires immediate attention to prevent disruptions to users' workflows.

Bug Details:

Proposed Quick Fix:

To address the immediate issue and prevent further server crashes, a quick fix can be implemented by adding a time interval for parsing files. This will throttle the parsing process, allowing the server to manage its resources more effectively.

Follow-up Task:

In addition to the quick fix, a follow-up task should be created to optimize parsing options using onChange parameters. This will enable more granular control over when and how files are parsed, further improving server performance and stability.

Action Items:

  1. Quick Fix Implementation:

    • Add a time interval for parsing files to prevent server crashes.
    • Throttle the parsing process to ensure efficient resource utilization.
  2. Follow-up Task:

    • Create an optimized parsing options feature using onChange parameters.

Impact Assessment:

Implementing the quick fix will provide immediate relief by preventing server crashes. The follow-up task will offer long-term benefits by optimizing parsing options and enhancing server performance.