Jasig / umobile-app-phonegap

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Added Regex support to the grunt build's plugins (RequireJS?) #26

Open mmoayyed opened 11 years ago

mmoayyed commented 11 years ago

A lot of plugins don't work well with regex support. Custom ones may need to be written or we could take a look at require-js which may done some of resource filtering.

mpolizzotti commented 11 years ago

@mmoayyed Using RequireJs in our application would drastically change our UI architecture. RequireJS is a script loader that manages the loading of all JS dependencies. All of our JavaScript code would need to be converted to an AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition) format. The AMD format allows JS files to be written in a more modular fashion. Grunt has a plugin that integrates with the RequireJS build tool. In my recommendations, I am going to mention RequireJs as a potential item to include in our technology stack. An example of the RequireJS and the RequireJS build tool can be seen here: https://github.com/mpolizzotti/angular-require/

ChristianMurphy commented 6 years ago

Hey there! :wave:

Thanks for opening a ticket with uMobile app phonegap. :+1: :bowing_man: The uMobile app phonegap is no longer being actively maintained. :no_entry: For alternatives we recommend the uMobile Android App and the uMobile iOS app. :white_check_mark:

Thanks again for contributing to the uMobile app phonegap! :sparkles: