Jasig / umobile-app-phonegap

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Automate the build process using grunt #5

Closed mmoayyed closed 11 years ago

mmoayyed commented 11 years ago

Ideas and suggestions we can discuss:

cousquer commented 11 years ago

see comment on https://github.com/Jasig/umobile-app-phonegap/issues/16

matguerin commented 11 years ago

Am I the only one who's getting a warning when running the imagemin task?

It seems like the issue is with the "images/icons" directory because it has too many images... when I have more than 75 images in the directory, I get the following warning (which stops the build when not using the --force flag):

Running "imagemin:minimizeImages" (imagemin) task Warning: spawn EMFILE Use --force to continue.

Removing two random images from this folder seems to be enough to make to task run ok though (https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-imagemin/issues/13 ?)

mpolizzotti commented 11 years ago


We are in the process of removing the imagemin. The plugin seems to have some bugs in it. As a side note, the code your playing with isn't really ready for consumption yet. It is still moving and shifting. Once its proven and we have solidified the code we will move the code out of the develop branch.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Mathilde Guérin" notifications@github.com To: "Jasig/umobile-app-phonegap" umobile-app-phonegap@noreply.github.com Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 9:06:22 AM Subject: Re: [umobile-app-phonegap] Automate the build process using grunt (#5)

Am I the only one who has an issue with the imagemin:minimizeImages task?

It seems like the issue is with the "images/icons" directory because it has too many images... when I have more than 75 images in the directory, I get the following warning (which stops the build when not using the --force tag):

Running "imagemin:minimizeImages" (imagemin) task Warning: spawn EMFILE Use --force to continue.

Removing two random images from this folder seems to be enough to make to task run ok though ( gruntjs/grunt-contrib-imagemin#13 ?)

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

Matthew Polizzotti U.X.Architect | Unicon, Inc. 480.558.2450 (o) | 480.558.2320 (f) mpolizzotti@unicon.net

matguerin commented 11 years ago

Yeah I'm aware this is a WIP but since the issue is marked as solved I figured it wouldn't hurt to notify you of this potential issue.

mpolizzotti commented 11 years ago


Sorry about that. I didn't realize we closed it. I appreciate you smoke testing our work though. Makes it easier to find bugs! :)

Thanks, Matt

----- Original Message ----- From: "Mathilde Guérin" notifications@github.com To: "Jasig/umobile-app-phonegap" umobile-app-phonegap@noreply.github.com Cc: "mpolizzotti" mpolizzotti@unicon.net Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2013 12:48:48 AM Subject: Re: [umobile-app-phonegap] Automate the build process using grunt (#5)

Yeah I'm aware this is a WIP but since the issue is marked as solved I figured it wouldn't hurt to notify you of this potential issue.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

Matthew Polizzotti U.X.Architect | Unicon, Inc. 480.558.2450 (o) | 480.558.2320 (f) mpolizzotti@unicon.net