JasonBaier / ci3-fire-starter

NOW THAT CODEIGNITER 4 HAS BEEN RELEASED, THIS PROJECT WILL NOT BE UPDATED ANYMORE. CI3 Fire Starter is a CodeIgniter3 skeleton application that includes jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap. It is intended to be light weight, minimalistic and not get in your way of building great CodeIgniter 3 applications.
MIT License
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Installation problem #29

Closed alkyu92 closed 7 years ago

alkyu92 commented 7 years ago

I installed apache2 on my ubuntu 16 and the localhost folder is located in /var/www/html/

Downloaded ci3-fire-starter and extracted the folder to /var/www/html/ci3-fire-starter-folder

I also followed the installation instruction; changing the base url to => http://localhost/ci3-fire-starter-folder configured the database, gives permission to the folder and so on

However, I only managed to view the welcome page. But once I click on login button or contact or whatever, I got an error

is there any step(s) that I missed? Please help me

mrtn commented 7 years ago

What error is shown? 404?

alkyu92 commented 7 years ago


The 404 page not found error

ayubDev commented 7 years ago

me too , I think this problem because of .htaccess !!!

alkyu92 commented 7 years ago

Did you solved the problem with .htaccess ?

ayubDev commented 7 years ago

I found an other solution is to add htdocs in your Base_url Exp : $config['base_url'] = 'http://localhost/lab/ci3/htdocs';

alkyu92 commented 7 years ago


its not working for me

alkyu92 commented 7 years ago


can you review this issue?

JasonBaier commented 7 years ago

It sounds like you have 1 of 2 possible issues:

1) If you're using localhost without virtualhosts, localhost usually only points to /var/www/. But you have a sub folder called /html/, so your URL should be http://localhost/html/ci3-fire-starter-folder. That should be line 26 in config.php. Then the core.php 'root_folder' setting should be 'htdocs' (default), unless you've changed the folder name.

2) If you're not using virtualhosts, I suggest using them. You can search for how to do that based on your development environment. There are plenty of blog posts out there on how to configure vhosts for XAMPP, Mac, Ubuntu and WAMP. Here's a helpful article on how to do it in Ubuntu: http://www.itzgeek.com/how-tos/linux/ubuntu-how-tos/setup-apache-virtual-hosts-on-ubuntu-15-04-14-04.html#virtualhosts. They use .local extensions in their examples; I prefer .dev extensions.

Let me know if you get it working after trying either of these.

alkyu92 commented 7 years ago

@JasonBaier Hey!

The solution 2) worked for me! I tried on WAMP and everything fine. Maybe there is some misconfiguration on my ubuntu's Apache server.

Thank you very much for the help everybody!