JasonEtco / jasonet.co

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The `<ReposList>` component and Netlify function #19

Open JasonEtco opened 5 years ago

JasonEtco commented 5 years ago


jletey commented 5 years ago

@JasonEtco It'd also be great to know how to do this without Netlify functions

Jerwins commented 4 years ago

@JasonEtco How do I make use of this? is there a specific guide to achieve this?

JasonEtco commented 4 years ago

Nope - not yet, that's what this proposed blog post would be!

Jerwins commented 4 years ago

I see. I keep getting this every time I let that function run.

Invoke Error {"errorType":"TypeError","errorMessage":"Cannot read property 'viewer' of undefined","stack":["TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewer' of undefined"," at Runtime.handler (/var/task/get-repos.js:65:30)"," at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)"]}

JasonEtco commented 4 years ago

It’s not meant to be lifted out of this repo and used separately, so it won’t work without some other setup. Hang tight for the blog post ❤️