JasonGilholme / iconify

An icon and image library for Qt that lets you use svg's from popular icon packs like FontAwesome, Material Design etc
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Iconify does not work with pyside6 #4

Open zalavariandris opened 3 years ago

zalavariandris commented 3 years ago

I have installed pyside6 with pip. Iconify seem to search for PySide2. It seem like an easy fix to make it work with pyside6.

billpwchan commented 3 years ago

@zalavariandris May I know how you made it work with PySide6? I'm also having this issue when using Iconify with an PySide6 App

ZouaouiB commented 8 months ago

how did you make it work with pyside 6 pliz ?

zalavariandris commented 8 months ago

Well, that was a long time ago. Looks like this repo has been sadly abandoned for years now. Looking at the code again, the fix seems simple: Iconify expose Qt in this file: https://github.com/JasonGilholme/iconify/blob/develop/iconify/qt.py So I would simply replace PySide2 with PySide6:

    from PySide2 import QtCore, QtGui, QtSvg, QtWidgets, QtXml
    qtlib = 'PySide2

I have not tested this yet, but it should work. At least a good start. Hope it works out for you!