JasonHHouse / gaps

Find the missing movies in your Plex Server
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Gaps currently reports future releases as missing #257

Closed m-theredhead closed 2 years ago

m-theredhead commented 3 years ago

When I run gaps, it is suggesting movies like Avatar 2, 3, 4, and 5 which are slated to be released over the next 6 years.

Could we exclude not yet released movies from the recommendation of gaps? I don't see the value of having them in the report when they can't be purchased and added to your collection.


JasonHHouse commented 3 years ago

I can make that change. The only caveat is that I would still have movies released this year based on the current code. I'm working with a release year, not a release date.

m-theredhead commented 3 years ago


That seems reasonable. In the same year would at least be near term and something to watch for.

seanhamlin commented 3 years ago

I also just found these 'gaps' in my collection


I simple approach might be

if movie release date > today
hausner commented 3 years ago

i would love to see this feature as well. seanhamlin's solution would be sufficient from my point of view

Andrewpaps commented 3 years ago


Droppisalt commented 2 years ago

just leaving a comment to say I'd love this feature as I'm having loads of upcoming Marvel movies along with Avatar sequels

JasonHHouse commented 2 years ago

I'm working on a branch now. I'll push to Alpha today or tomorrow for you to test. I'll let you know when. The option right now is searching for All movies or only Released movies. This is under Settings > TMDB.

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JasonHHouse commented 2 years ago

housewrecker/gaps:alpha is pushed. Please test out the improvement.

Droppisalt commented 2 years ago

After using the Advanced option "Delete All Stored Data" and after updating my library and doing a search from scratch, I'm still seeing upcoming movies (such as John Wick 4 (2023), Avatar 3 (2024), etc.). I did make sure to select the "Released" option

JasonHHouse commented 2 years ago

@Droppisalt This was on alpha or latest?

Droppisalt commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the delay. It's in the alpha version

`--- services: gaps: image: housewrecker/gaps:alpha container_name: gaps privileged: true environment:

JasonHHouse commented 2 years ago

You don't need to delete all stored data, you can just update to "Released" and re-search. I just tested again and it's working with Avatar and John Wick and Gaps blocked them correctly for me. When I switched to all, all movies show up. I'm going to need to see your logs to know what is going on with your docker.

m-theredhead commented 2 years ago

I just tested and had good results. I set it to released and rescanned. I am no longer seeing movies like avatar, etc as missing.

Droppisalt commented 2 years ago

Ahh I've redone a search and it seems to be working for me now as well. I think it just didn't update to Released properly the 1st time

Droppisalt commented 2 years ago

Yep, not even showing Avatar 2 which still has a release date set for 2022!

Andrewpaps commented 2 years ago

Reporting fixed for me, excellent work.

JasonHHouse commented 2 years ago

Merged and pushed to latest.