JasonKleban / Unbounded

F# to T-SQL. Remote command execution and domain invariant enforcement
Apache License 2.0
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[WIP] Abstract Syntax Tree #3

Open wesleywiser opened 9 years ago

wesleywiser commented 9 years ago


I just wanted to post what I've been working on. The code is pretty rough right now since I'm trying to get a very simple working example implemented. Later, that can be expanded to expose more T-SQL syntax. We would also want to make the API nicer to work with, perhaps by using a computation expression to build the AST.

open System

type Column = {
  Table : string
  Name : string

type SqlLiteral = 
  | Number of int
  | Str of string
  | Null

type BoolExpressionLeaf =
  | Literal of SqlLiteral
  | ColumnReference of Column

type BooleanExpression = 
  | And of BooleanExpression list
  | Or of BooleanExpression list
  | Not of BooleanExpression
  | Equals of left : BoolExpressionLeaf * right : BoolExpressionLeaf
  | LessThan of left : BoolExpressionLeaf * right : BoolExpressionLeaf

type SqlQuery = {
  Selects : Column list
  Where : BooleanExpression

type SqlUpdate = {
  Update : Column * SqlLiteral
  Where : BooleanExpression

type Constraint = BooleanExpression

let query (selectList, whereExpression) = { Selects = selectList; Where = whereExpression }
let update (update, whereExpression) = { Update = update; Where = whereExpression }

let column table name = { Table = table; Name = name }

let peopleTable = column "people"

let name = peopleTable "name"
let age = peopleTable "age"
let dead = peopleTable "is_dead"

let update1 = update ((dead, Number 1), Equals(ColumnReference name, Literal <| Str "John Doe"))

let ageConstraint = 
  And [
    LessThan(ColumnReference age, Literal <| Number 30)
    Equals(ColumnReference dead, Literal <| Number 0)

let rec getExprColumnRefs = function
  | And constraints
  | Or constraints -> List.collect getExprColumnRefs
  | Not constraint -> getExprColumnRefs constraint
  | Equals(ColumnReference col1, ColumnReference col2) -> [ col1; col2 ]
  | Equals(ColumnReference col, _)
  | Equals(_, ColumnReference col) -> [ col ]
  | LessThan(ColumnReference col1, ColumnReference col2) -> [ col1; col2 ]
  | LessThan(ColumnReference col, _)
  | LessThan(_, ColumnReference col) -> [ col ]

let constraintApplies query constraint = 
  let queryColumns = seq { yield! query.Selects; yield! getExprColumnRefs query.Where } |> Set.ofSeq
  let constraintColumns = getExprColumnRefs constraint |> Set.ofSeq

  Set.intersect queryColumns constraintColumns |> (not << Set.isEmpty)

The two important components to note are update1 which is a SQL UPDATE statement and ageConstraint which models a constraint on the people table. I've started working on some related functions at the bottom which will allow us to figure out which constraints interact with a given query. TODO: generating SQL from the AST but this should be fairly trivial at this point.

ghost commented 9 years ago

Cool! Can you show an example usage? That was stupid. I see it in the center there! This is interesting and I'm excited to see how it develops out.

Side note, kind of, but I think the way the columns are encoded is neat.

I follow what you're doing here but I don't know enough to see where you might take it. At this point I don't know which parts are "obviously" merely part of the sketch and which are locked in. (does not compile for me)