JasonLG1979 / gnome-shell-extension-mpris-indicator-button

A full featured MPRIS indicator button extension for GNOME Shell 3.38+
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add Gnome Podcasts to display artwork? #44

Closed Scotty-Trees closed 3 years ago

Scotty-Trees commented 3 years ago

Currently on Pop!_OS 20.04 fully updated, Gnome 3.36.3, using Gnome Podcasts flatpak v0.4.8 and the MPRIS extension does show the Podcast icon in the top panel (as well as any other icon that is currently being used; vivaldi, rhythmbox, etc), which I think is great (works for my Tauon music box player flatpak app as well), but when I click the extension Gnome Podcasts doesn't display the artwork for the currently playing podcast, it just shows the Gnome Podcast application icon. Now I understand (or rather maybe assume) that Pop!_OS is a mixture of Gnome versions or something like that, so this may not even be able to be fixed for me, but if it is even possible, I will still give it a try to at least ask you since it can't hurt after all. Below is a screenshot just to illustrate what I'm seeing.

Screenshot from 2020-10-04 17-04-16

JasonLG1979 commented 3 years ago

If you don't see cover art it's because none is provided or it's running into the same bug as Spotify. https://github.com/JasonLG1979/gnome-shell-extension-mpris-indicator-button/issues/15

JasonLG1979 commented 3 years ago

It seems to work fine for me on Ubuntu 20.04. Screenshot from 2020-10-04 21-49-27

Scotty-Trees commented 3 years ago

You know, it's honestly probably something related to Pop!_OS I bet, but I'm not wise enough to know exactly where to go track that down. I do have one quick attempt though if you'll humor me, do you have the flatpak app Flatseal installed? It allows you to set some permissions for flatpaks. I honestly highly doubt that would fix this issue, but on the slight chance maybe it could, here's what my flatseal settings look like for Podcasts, maybe yours are similar, or different, but I'd be willing to test any differences to see. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong haha. Btw thanks for taking the time to checking this issue out.

Edt: meant to mention I also have that Spotify bug as well with the extension, which leads me to believe it's something Pop! related.

Screenshot from 2020-10-04 22-17-42 Screenshot from 2020-10-04 22-17-56 Screenshot from 2020-10-04 22-18-06

JasonLG1979 commented 3 years ago

My flatpak permissions are the same. I haven't changed them for any app. I don't even use GNOME Podcasts, I just installed it to test against this bug. I also didn't have flatseal installed either again I just installed it to compare with your permissions.

d-feet and Logs are the easiest way to debug mpris/dbus issues.

Check the logs for errors by searching for @JasonLG1979.github.io if there is an error loading cover art it will be logged. We'll start with that.

JasonLG1979 commented 3 years ago

You can also look and see what GNOME Podcast is giving mpris for cover art with d-feet. Look for mpris:artUrl in the metadata. You can check to see if it's a valid url by opening it in a browser. Screenshot from 2020-10-04 22-50-42

Scotty-Trees commented 3 years ago

Checking out Gnome Logs, under the All tab, when I go to play a Podcast episode, Logs does show this error at the top of the list, hope it's somewhat relevant: The sender is gnome-shell

JS ERROR: Extension mprisindicatorbutton@JasonLG1979.github.io: Gio.IOErrorEnum: Operation not supported

Screenshot below for full detail: Screenshot from 2020-10-04 22-55-10

Give me a moment and I'll check out D-feet, I haven't used it before, but just installed it.

JasonLG1979 commented 3 years ago

Give me a moment and I'll check out D-feet, haven't eve used it before but just installed it.

It looks like #15 to me.

JasonLG1979 commented 3 years ago

15 basically means that extensions can not load remote images.

Scotty-Trees commented 3 years ago

My D-feet entry looks a bit empty compared to yours! If the screenshot is a bit hard to see, I can go into dark mode.

Screenshot from 2020-10-04 23-00-05

JasonLG1979 commented 3 years ago

Podcast has to actually be playing something.

Scotty-Trees commented 3 years ago

Yup, Podcasts is actually playing something right now

Screenshot from 2020-10-04 23-05-36

JasonLG1979 commented 3 years ago

Double click the metadata field.

JasonLG1979 commented 3 years ago

This appears to be a duplicate of #15 to me. I'd file a bug report with pop. The upstream bug is here: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/-/issues/2284

JasonLG1979 commented 3 years ago

I'm going to close this as a duplicate. There's nothing I can do to fix the issue it's an upstream bug.

Scotty-Trees commented 3 years ago

Okay no worries, thanks for taking the time to look into it. I'll follow up with Pop and upstream for now. And thanks again for making a sweet extension.

JasonLG1979 commented 3 years ago

Thank you, I'm glad someone finds it useful. Sorry I couldn't help you fully resolve the issue. Believe me when I say that I wish the GNOME people weren't continually breaking things. It's like they don't test things...