JasonMillward / Autorippr

Rip discs automatically using a blend of Python, MakeMKV and HandBrake
MIT License
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Missing --decrypt option #139

Open jbethers opened 7 years ago

jbethers commented 7 years ago

For some reason I see that the makemkv.py rip class is missing the --decrypt option for makemkvcon.py. I've tried adding it into the class but for some reason it doesn't seem to help.

I get the following error when I run the autorippr.py script (version 1.7.0).

2017-05-12 22:10:45 - Makemkv - ERROR - CellWalk algorithm failed (structure protection is too tough?), trying CellTrim algorithm

This to me indicates that makemkvcon can't read the disk due to encryption. According to their documentation the default setting is not to decrypt. When using the makemkv GUI it doesn't have a problem ripping the disk.

Additionally running the makemkvcon command from the command line to include the --decrypt options works fine.

Any word on this?

nickrupert7 commented 7 years ago

Hi, there! It's a few months late, but I'd just like to add my two cents here. I've been having a similar problem since about a year ago when I started using Autorippr (I actually referenced the GUI workaround in #114). But recently, I've been revamping my server and I decided I was going to figure this out so I don't have to remote desktop in every time I want to rip a movie that failed with Autorippr. THANKFULLY I found this post before I went and posted a nasty message on the MakeMKV forum about one interface working (GUI) and the other not (command line), which would be a huge disappointment indeed, were that the case. But if what you said is correct, it looks like Jason's script is just missing that one little option that, when added, will solve all of our problems. Since I don't know how busy Jason is, and I didn't really want to bother him, I went in and edited makemkv.py to add the --decrypt option, recompiled that file, and am now testing it out on a movie that I know will otherwise fail with the CellWalk algorithm failed issue. Once I have results, I'll post back and let you know. Cheers! P.S. To be clear, I edited and recompiled makemkv.py on my local copy, not the repository - so you won't be able to test this yourself without actually making the same changes on your local copy.

nickrupert7 commented 7 years ago

Bah, sadly my edits did not make it work ☹️ Note that I CAN'T (sorry, typo before that said CAN...) guarantee that I did it correctly though... @JasonMillward any update on when this will be fixed?

JasonMillward commented 7 years ago

This Sunday is the earliest I can look into fixing it.

jbethers commented 7 years ago

Thank you for looking into this but after doing a fresh git pull it is now at least walking the titles but it still isn't using the decrypt option.

2017-07-14 21:40:16 - Makemkv - ERROR - CellWalk algorithm failed (structure protection is too tough?), trying CellTrim algorithm

I retested the command line to ensure that I can in fact rip a dvd with the makemkvcon command line utility.

JasonMillward commented 7 years ago

Could you share your command line args? The only place I haven't put in --decrypt is the find disc routine, but it's sitting there on the rip disc one.

jbethers commented 7 years ago

here is the command line i used. I realize doing all titles gets more than I need it was just expedient to test it. makemkvcon mkv --decrypt disc:0 all /home//ripped/movie/

@cookie:~/ripped/movie$ ls -lh total 350M -rw-r--r-- 1 126M Jul 14 21:36 title00.mkv -rw-r--r-- 1 224M Jul 14 21:37 title01.mkv
jbethers commented 6 years ago

Any update on this @JasonMillward

JasonMillward commented 6 years ago

Not at this time, no.

I've put in the decrypt option into both the get_disc_info and rip_disc methods and if that doesn't work then I'm not sure if I can figure it out at the moment.