JasonMillward / Autorippr

Rip discs automatically using a blend of Python, MakeMKV and HandBrake
MIT License
239 stars 60 forks source link

Makemkv - ERROR - MakeMKV encountered the following error: #143

Open fromagek opened 6 years ago

fromagek commented 6 years ago

Hey folks, I try to get autorippr running. But I get the following output:

python autorippr.py --rip --debug
2017-11-19 11:04:46 - Rip - DEBUG - Ripping initialised
2017-11-19 11:04:46 - Rip - DEBUG - Checking for DVDs
2017-11-19 11:04:49 - Makemkv - ERROR - MakeMKV encountered the following error: 
2017-11-19 11:04:49 - Makemkv - ERROR - 
Redirecting output to ‘wget-log.20’.

Redirecting output to ‘wget-log.21’.

2017-11-19 11:04:49 - Rip - DEBUG - 0 DVD(s) found
2017-11-19 11:04:49 - Rip - INFO - Could not find any DVDs in drive list

The log files are empty. Using the MakeMKV GUI every thing works perfectly.

Do you have any hints for me?

CoyoteRay commented 6 years ago

Good day.

Had the same issue; turned out to be permissions on /dev/sr0, running autorippr as root solved my issue. Running "makemkvcon -r info" should like media in your DVD/Blu-ray drive.

Good luck

fromagek commented 6 years ago

Hi, unfortunately running the script as root doesn't help in case. any other suggestions would be warmly welcome! cheers

fromagek commented 6 years ago

apperently it has to do with newer versions of wget that produce an error of the kind (Redirecting output to ‘wget-log.4.):

$ makemkvcon -r info disc:-l
MSG:1005,0,1,"MakeMKV v1.12.0 linux(x64-release) started","%1 started","MakeMKV v1.12.0 linux(x64-release)"

Redirecting output to ‘wget-log.4’.
rdlugosz commented 6 years ago

Same issue - I can find the dvd via makemkvcon -r info or makemkvcon info dev:/dev/sr0, but autorippr says "0 dvds found". Running makemkv via X11 works fine.