JasonRay168 / pe

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vedit command does not support changing names #3

Open JasonRay168 opened 8 months ago

JasonRay168 commented 8 months ago

The command vedit only allows the user to change the phone, email, or skills of the volunteer, but it is not allowing users to change the name.

This means it will be a hassle if the user accidentally registered a person with the wrong name. To change this, it would require the user to delete the volunteer and readd them again, which is very tedious.

This is the command I used:

vedit 11 n/Frank

This is the error message:

Invalid command format! 
vedit: Edits the details of the volunteer identified by the index number used in the displayed volunteer list. Existing values will be overwritten by the input values.
Parameters: INDEX (must be a positive integer) [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [s/SKILL]...
Example: vedit 1 p/91234567 e/johndoe@example.com

This is the photo of the app:


nus-se-bot commented 7 months ago

Team's Response

Same root cause

The 'Original' Bug

[The team marked this bug as a duplicate of the following bug]

vedit command does not allow changing the name

I think that changing the name will allow for a smoother user experience as they can easily change typos that are made during the creation of the volunteer.

A minor inconvenience and improvement that the function could have.

[original: nus-cs2103-AY2324S1/pe-interim#5778] [original labels: severity.Low type.FeatureFlaw]

Their Response to the 'Original' Bug

[This is the team's response to the above 'original' bug]

We removed the ability to change the name for Volunteer and Event on purpose, since names acted as the ID for the Volunteer and Event objects. This was to mitigate a few functionality bugs caused by name changes we identified during PE-D. We will add the ability to change names back in a future update once the ID for Volunteer and Event is changed to a unique numeric ID (as in Planned Enhancements - improve uniqueness for volunteers and events with the same name).

Items for the Tester to Verify

:question: Issue duplicate status

Team chose to mark this issue as a duplicate of another issue (as explained in the Team's response above)

Reason for disagreement: [replace this with your explanation]

## :question: Issue response Team chose [`response.NotInScope`] - [ ] I disagree **Reason for disagreement:** [replace this with your explanation]
## :question: Issue severity Team chose [`severity.Low`] Originally [`severity.Medium`] - [ ] I disagree **Reason for disagreement:** [replace this with your explanation]