Closed BeanMeUp closed 6 years ago
Please could you post your docker run command so I can have a look at this locally? We have been generating containers on-the-fly without any issues, If I can run the same thing as you are then I can check this out.
docker run --name " . $this->container_name . " -p " . $this->private_port . ":1935 -p " . $this->public_port . ":8080 -e RTMP_STREAM_NAMES=" . $this->rtmp_stream_name . " jasonrivers/nginx-rtmp"
Or without PHP
docker run --name {{container name}} -p {{rtmp port}}:1935 -p {{hls port}}:8080 -e RTMP_STREAM_NAMES={{stream name}} jasonrivers/nginx-rtmp
Also, the stream I posted above is an active container so feel free to go to that URL to see that it is returning 404.
@JasonRivers It looks like I can access it's just 403 Forbidden.. however, when I try it's 404.
I tried other URL combinations as well, but no luck. Is it because I am doing RTMP_STREAM_NAMES
as well?
@JasonRivers Did you ever get the chance to looking into this?
I got it to work. Be sure to test using a working player and not just the URL. Also, I needed to randomize the stream password as well as only have one stream playing on one port. Not a big deal, it works.
i tried it with video.js . Still not work @fyroc could you help me ? tell me about detail ? please ~~~
@ivantw08 You can't just test with the URL, you have to test using an HLS player.
Instead of the server name "live" I am using a random string for security. Here is an example: rtmp://
The issue I am running into is that HLS doesnt seem to me working:
Am I doing something wrong here? Seems like I'm getting a 404.
Note: The ports are correct, I generate them randomly as a create/delete streams.