JasonYangCode / AppleLeaf9

Dataset used in "Efficient Identification of Apple Leaf Diseases in the Wild Using Convolutional Neural Networks".
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
25 stars 3 forks source link

License #1

Open LinasKo opened 4 months ago

LinasKo commented 4 months ago


I've just been looking at a good dataset for apple leaf diseases, and yours is one of the best I can find.

You've posted it as a public repo, but is there a specific license that applies? Now it's not clear whether it can be used in commercial / research products.


JasonYangCode commented 4 months ago

Hello, this data can only be used for research and cannot be used for commercial use yet. Please pay attention to the citation standards of the paper.

LinasKo commented 4 months ago

Understood. Thank you for a quick response!