JasonYao / JasonYao.github.io

My personal site at jasonyao.com using Hugo
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Swap this site with existing live site #6

Closed JasonYao closed 3 years ago

JasonYao commented 3 years ago

make sure that this won't mess up existing MX records for email delivery, or the current builds for resume/ other builds.

It actually might, since we'd in theory be pointing it to 2 different hosts. got to think through this a bit, and either bite the bullet and migrate other repos off of github (ideally not because laziness and vendor lock-in to netlify), or see if there's an alternative possible

JasonYao commented 3 years ago

Some thoughts:



Current approach

What's wrong with the current approach?

Path forward

JasonYao commented 3 years ago

Current status


JasonYao commented 3 years ago

Issue with the weird unstylized assets on firefox is related to this issue mentioned here: https://github.com/envygeeks/jekyll-assets/issues/582#issuecomment-564347020

In theory FF's bug is fixed, but since we're still seeing it now 5 years later, i'm going to give the workaround a try, and use sha-384 instead of the SHA-256/512 ones

JasonYao commented 3 years ago

manual SHA generation can be done with https://www.srihash.org/, and docs for doing this in hugo can be found at https://gohugo.io/hugo-pipes/fingerprint/

JasonYao commented 3 years ago

Nice, swapping all SHA integrity hashes to SHA-384 now causes everything to work as expected (changeset in https://github.com/JasonYao/JasonYao.github.io/commit/9d9baface42329e668953071fece4b1f6e85710e)

JasonYao commented 3 years ago

For the /resume path not showing up, I think I figured it out- it's because my github repo is called resume, so because of that path, it delegates to the repo, but that repo doesn't have an index.html file.

JasonYao commented 3 years ago

Some solutions:

  1. Add as part of CD the ability to push the resume/index.html file to the publishing branch in the resume repo
  2. Rename the route from resume to something else (work, business, cv, etc.)
  3. Option 1 but be lazy and just upload the resume/index.html as a one-time thing for now, and add in to CD later

~For now, I'll go with option 1~ Chose option 3 since it's now working to get other stuff working, and making an issue to wire into CD

JasonYao commented 3 years ago

Resume route now fixed with https://github.com/JasonYao/resume/commit/f5a3b27206fcc1b6a9abd93f25d50d842a8a3523