JasonYuan869 / AutoWaifuClaimerV3

Automatically claims from the Discord Mudae bot.
MIT License
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Listener not working properly/Roll Logging not working #7

Open TheShadowNMSS opened 3 years ago

TheShadowNMSS commented 3 years ago

I've set up the bot and the discord link and when running the bot.py everything works including parsing the $tu command. It says the listener is active but it doesn't log any rolls done by my account or any other account. A character on the like list was rolled and nothing triggered in the script, kakera reacts aren't being attempted either.

The discord bot connects properly and has the correct permissions but it isn't logging rolls at all.

zsdonny commented 3 years ago

I have the same issue, I can parse the $tu alright and get the timers working properly but none of the rolls are logged and no reaction is made to fave list characters nor kakera loot

My modules are up to date and I am using the recommended python version, did something change with Mudae's format and break the detection?





hokkaido23 commented 3 years ago

Having this issue as well. I've tried loosening the condition for a likelist name match, but it didn't work. Hopefully this gets answered soon.

gusluchetti commented 3 years ago

Code wasn't identifying correctly rolls, I think it's because kakera value was enabled on my rolls(?) I swapped the regex roll check for a 'React with any emoji to claim!' and it seems to be working fine now.

Update: Sorry about that, I haven't found any quick fixes that work for any roll layout, the best I've got going is:

  1. $togglereacts 1 so the 'React' message always appears.
  2. adding a heart reaction after any roll.
nigerianmahogany commented 3 years ago

Code wasn't identifying correctly rolls, I think it's because kakera value was enabled on my rolls(?) I swapped the regex roll check for a 'React with any emoji to claim!' and it seems to be working fine now.

Update: Sorry about that, I haven't found any quick fixes that work for any roll layout, the best I've got going is:

  1. $togglereacts 1 so the 'React' message always appears.
  2. adding a heart reaction after any roll.

I did the same regex swap but is there a reason why the bot only reacts by default instead of adding an emoji? Mudae seems to only have the heart reaction after peak hours or else you're limited to 7 rolls.

gusluchetti commented 3 years ago

I haven't gone that deep into the discord bot documentation, but it seems Mudae only auto-reacts to rolls after-hours so as to not do too many requests(?), that's why they're transitioning to slash commands (which have a limit of 2 commands for every 5 seconds).

Anyhow, I'm just having trouble with actually making the bot work, timer and rolls are perfect, but it almost always fails to claim, even with $toggle snipe 0.