Jasonchenlijian / FastBle

Android Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Fast Development Framework. It uses simple ways to filter, scan, connect, read ,write, notify, readRssi, setMTU, and multiConnection.
Apache License 2.0
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write no response 为什么还会收到write回调? #551

Open anduin1024 opened 2 years ago

anduin1024 commented 2 years ago

特征值setWriteType noResponse,根据蓝牙协议栈定义,理论上没有写入成功与否响应,但是write回调接口还是会调用,不是很理解问题出在哪里?

philadelphia commented 1 year ago

我也一直有这个疑问,write_no_response 和write的区别体现不出来啊

wangjinchan commented 1 year ago

我解决了 https://github.com/Jasonchenlijian/FastBle/issues/574

fateice commented 1 year ago

write no response的时候,产生的回调只是说明这一次写操作已经处理完了(不确定是host发到controller,还是controller发出去了,大概率是前者)。如果有大量数据要写,可以用这个来控制发送的节奏